Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [verb] n't really [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It was just on opening time , and I stood myself a drink in a City pub that did n't really want me — a woman was still vacuuming the bar .
2 He admits he might just prefer a boy but does n't really care ‘ as long as everything 's all right . ’
3 ( Barry Legge ) No , I think it 'll be quite the reverse , at the moment we have a benefits system that stretches right across the spectrum , and there are many people receiving benefits at the moment that do n't really need them .
4 She had drunk several glasses of wine and did n't really care at the moment .
5 Look what Jesus says here in Luke chapter thirteen , in verse twenty four , just let me pick a few phrases out , verse twenty four it says shall not be able in verse twenty five there was their cry Lord open to us and in verse twenty seven their response depart from me the result in verse twenty eight there was gon na be weeping it was n't gon na be universal , they were not all gon na be saved , they were not all just gon na be swept in in the last day and did n't really matter , you 're all buddies together now in heaven , not at all , this surely what Jesus says here makes it very clear that all will not be saved if at first we 've already mentioned in John er no sorry verse further on in John three this done verse thirty six he who believes in the son has eternal life , but he who does not obey the son shall not see life but the wrath of God abides upon him , there 's no suggestion there of being ultimately brought in to God 's heaven and ultimately being saved , no it is the wrath of God abideth upon that person .
6 It was always like this these days — two colleagues who respected each other but did n't really have much to say .
7 It had always been a moment of pure magic to him in the theatre , the consciousness of the huge rustling animal behind him , and the hush as the house lights went down , the pause of utter stillness , silence , and then as he brought his baton down , the incredible surge of excitement as music smashed the silence , created instantly the illusion of that otherworld that did n't really exist .
8 She had quite expected him to stop the car on the way home and make a grab at her and she was all prepared to cope with it , had her little speech ready about what a wonderful evening she 'd had but at the moment she was concentrating on her career and did n't really want to waste time on that kind of thing .
9 I had to spend three days in bed and did n't really kick a ball in the build-up to the Highfield Road game .
10 I was speaking to somebody about this er , a few days ago , and you know they said erm I said , in a way that does n't really apply today , because none of us like to think we 're bad .
11 And I mean he took a lot of rehousing cos he come from a a a family that had n't really cared for him .
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