Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] on the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The simplest method would have been for a French submarine to wait for the Rainbow Warrior somewhere on the high seas and sink it with a torpedo but that posed the problem of what to do with any survivors .
2 Well they 're taking all the power lines down in the village , or down through that part of the village which , fair enough , gets rid of the eyesore but they 're gon na put now a bloody big transformer , abou thing about seven , eight foot bloody tall in , in the field right on the Copper Dollar
3 The associative theory , on the other hand , predicts an advantage only on the first task , the associations being of no help , or perhaps even hindering , when symbols having a common associate require different responses .
4 His relief at not having been made a fool of was matched by his curiosity to find out who the devil he was , this man Iying chest down on the wet flagstones , face turned to one side as though asleep .
5 Ruth gazed past him , over his right shoulder to the yacht with its two beautiful people laughing and sipping champagne together on the upper deck .
6 Here is one of those places , then , where the frontier does not follow the ridge of the mountains , but takes a sudden dive down on the French side .
7 She struggled not to run screaming from the office , seeing the trip ahead , knowing what would happen , that desire , that overpowering excitement flaring up between them in a hotel bedroom somewhere on the other side of the world , dragging her deeper into a relationship that was already tearing her to pieces .
8 Indeed , I sat there in the muggy warmth until the balding , bull-necked scruff of a proprietor or manager started to put the chairs upside down on the swabbed tables — a peculiar custom which is surely unhygienic enough to be banned by law .
9 It is , however , noticeable that Disraeli models his new feudalism less on the great houses than on the monasteries of the past .
10 Regional policy recommended closure only on the last criterion but there is a discrepancy between national ideology and local educational policy .
11 Supplementary dietary phosphate decreased the fatty acid concentration only on the low calcium diet .
12 After a few attempts , which often result in catching the ball off the toe , the player begins to feel how necessary it is to turn away fully in the backswing and to bring the club down on the correct path .
13 No. 2 shows strings only on the top line and wind only on the lower line .
14 Sergeant Morrison put his mug of tea down on the greasy bar and turned .
15 Investment over the 1992–1994 period at £5.4 billion is forecast to be 22 p.c. down on the 1989–91 levels after allowing for inflation and the lowest since 1984–86 but still 30 p.c. higher than the depth of recession in 1981–1983 .
16 March sales at 143,115 were 15.2 p.c. down on the same period a year ago , with Rover showing an alarming 45 p.c. slide .
17 He charmed , teased , involved then abandoned , his mind already on the next thing .
18 Maternal risk factors known at booking were age under 18 or over 35 ; primiparity or parity of more than three ; being in manual or non-manual work ; being less than 158 cm tall ; attending antenatal care after 18 weeks ' gestation ; having diabetes ; being a smoker ; being of Asian origin ; having a history of infertility ; having a husband in social class III manual , IV , or V ; and having a general practitioner not on the obstetric list .
19 Having done everything in your tank preparations to avoid new tank syndrome , you can still set in motion some of the attendant problems if you start your new stock off on the wrong fin .
20 He added the presence of a nursing home would have a long-term effect both on the future development of existing firms in the area and those wishing to locate on land earmarked specifically for industrial purposes .
21 The total value of cross-border deals in the first three months of this year at $13.3 billion was 45 p.c. up on the corresponding period a year ago but was still well below the 1989 peak when the quarterly average reached $32.6 billion .
22 David Goldman , chairman , said the group 's United Kingdom software sales rose by 16 p.c. despite difficult market conditions and that Sage continues to trade ahead of internal targets , with profits in the first half 62 p.c. up on the corresponding period .
23 But have you heard about the metamorphosis demonstration out on the main plaza ?
24 While the circuit is being cleared to give us a free run , Brundle takes the car out on the public roads .
25 He extracted Catherine a short while later and turned the car back on the darkened road which would lead them towards the A1 .
26 One tooth out on the rubber timing belt makes a lot of difference .
27 Puffins spend most of their time fishing out on the open ocean , but in spring , in order to nest and breed , they have to return to land .
28 Drawing upon detailed field studies by W. F. R. Weldon ( 1860–1906 ) , the biometrical school was able to show that selection did indeed have a measurable effect even on the short term .
29 It coped with very long grass from an overgrown lawn which had n't been cut since last year , and produced a satisfactory cut even on the first mowing .
30 BELVILLE : I do n't like to speak my mind twice on the same subject .
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