Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [vb -s] a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If there are four marks for a given point , the candidate who gets it all right gets four , the candidate who gets it all wrong gets nothing , but the chap who gets it part right has a possibility of one , two or three , and it 's often a question of judgement as to what an imperfect answer is worth .
2 After all , the retailer only makes a profit on the items he sells : if the prices he charges are too high , the customers will go elsewhere and he wo n't make any profit at all !
3 The user merely supplies a title for the product and LIFESPAN allocates a product identifier to it .
4 Which car most deserves a trip to the crusher ?
5 However , with BBC BASIC you can turn to a particular character in a file an the tedium only takes a couple of seconds , so it 's well worth doing .
6 Political violence alone claims an average of 10 lives a day .
7 Now Lady Mendl was after all a highly successful professional decorator , and whatever her sumptuous simplicities in the matter of table decoration — a little white Ming rabbit at each guest 's place , a remnant of sixteenth-century French green silk brocade used as a tablecloth , one flawless magnolia on the tea tray ( the photograph of her butler carrying this same tray alone makes a copy of the book worth searching for ) — she certainly did n't seriously intend playing them down .
8 The advantage they have over individuals is that , although each practice only contains a part of the complex phenomenon which is society , each one is a ‘ whole ’ in the sense that it consists of a variety of different kinds of parts , all of which are interrelated .
9 The figure below shows a portion of the word lattice for a fine-class representation of EvalA2 ( I 'm naming one man among many ) .
10 The Association normally publishes a list of the 12 Branches with the best Wings Appeal total , but in 1990 a new club was formed , ‘ The 10,000 Club ’ .
11 Delegation thus involves a pattern of human relationships .
12 The term thus represents a transfer of energy from the mean flow to the turbulence .
13 The new President already has a legion of critics who find him shallow and lacking in principle .
14 And the president already has a seat at the future high table , the European Council .
15 It may be doubted , for example , that a single act could give rise to a sensation of harassment ; it would be an unusual use of language to say that a person was harassing another by a single act ( such as a wolf whistle ) , since that term generally connotes an element of persistence .
16 Notice also how he is sheeting in the sail since even at this speed the apparent wind effect still plays a part in the turn .
17 The western slopes of the Annalong Valley are a superb vantage points to watch shepherds and dogs in action , and if your itinerary always includes a stop for a mug of tea then be warned that the only tea-shop I know of in the area is in the park at the bottom of Silent Valley .
18 To find the best way in which to correct such an observation and to nullify its effect always poses a problem for the judge because , if he intervenes immediately , the effect will probably be to emphasise the obvious relevance and cogency of the comment which ought not to have been made .
19 Starting with cost reduction any cost reduction programme always involves a lot of redundancy and , and this is no exception and from the slide you 'll see that we 've er we 've had a staff reduction er , from the the plan for this year of one thousand and thirty three er and that 's the , that will save us in a full year something like fifteen point nine , sixteen million pounds .
20 As I have already suggested , transmission styles are much more widespread than this , though : so familiar a part of teachers ' experience , in fact , that their practice quickly becomes a matter of habit and routine , of taken-for-granted competence , not strategic choice .
21 US hopes for speedy troop withdrawal When the shooting dies down in Panama , the Bush Administration still faces a minefield of perils in Latin America , Tom Redburn reports .
22 Yet the Commission says the industry still has a lot of life in it .
23 Even close up the Mad Axe still has an air of quality about it and the finish is one of the best I 've seen on a Korean guitar .
24 The chapter also contains a number of illustrations drawn from documents of all kinds and ages relevant to the study of local history .
25 But the sonnet also provides a glimpse into the dilemmas of identity the Renaissance articulated .
26 The department also offers a programme of taught courses leading to the Diploma and M.Sc.
27 ( The Department also runs a number of training schemes for older people . )
28 The metropolis also houses a host of smaller patches of urban wasteland from a few hundred square metres to several hectares .
29 Indeed , identifying all carriers of group B streptococcus during pregnancy by culture and giving prophylaxis during labour also represents a level of antibiotic administration which is hard to justify .
30 Although the entry in the general dictionary understandably includes a variety of collocations that are representative of other domains ( e.g. ’ vote ’ , ’ politic ’ , ’ conservative ’ , ’ society ’ , and ’ public ’ , all of which suggest an origin in parliamentary proceedings ) , there are still a large number of words common to both entries .
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