Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adj] was [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the latter case this was notwithstanding a finding that the wife ‘ did sufficiently understand the general nature of the document . ’
2 On the western side this was always an area characterised by a militancy which is presumably going out of fashion now too .
3 By some kind of irony this was exactly the reverse of the trouble with masonry cathedrals which fell down because they turned out to be in tension when the builders held that they were in compression .
4 If this were the case one would also expect to find increased basal secretion in smokers — in our study this was not the case .
5 In essence this was less a system than the resort by the Crown to whatever means came to hand for raising and controlling money .
6 In the control condition this was not the case .
7 The second reason why two justices were not required was that the proceeding under section 7(5) of the Bail Act 1976 was neither the trial of an information summarily nor the hearing of a complaint within the meaning of section 121(1) of the Magistrates ' Courts Act 1980 .
8 The Education Act 1902 was largely the work of R. L. Morant , the chief civil servant at the Board of Education , one of a number of policy-innovating civil servants in his generation .
9 In support of his argument , Mr. Coghlan relied on Cozens v. Brutus [ 1973 ] A.C. 854 , a case in which it was held in the House of Lords that the meaning of the word ‘ insulting ’ used in section 5 of the Public Order Act 1936 was not a matter of law but a matter of fact .
10 That they were at least in part effective was clearly the case .
11 No. 28 was formerly the wheel turning shop , but it is now used mainly for automatic machines .
12 ( Remember a penny then was not a penny now — there were 240 of them to £1 ! )
13 Thereafter , clause 54 was not the subject of further debate and passed into law as it now stands as section 63 of the Act .
14 Although it may seem that the developments were exclusively within geomorphology this was not the case , because environmental reconstruction was increasingly shown to be dependent upon knowledge of the ways in which the soils and sediments as well as the surface morphology related to past systems of vegetation and to patterns of climate .
15 On the other hand this was also the year when the British government had reluctantly bowed to American pressure and agreed to the establishment of a base in the Holy Loch in the west of Scotland for American Polaris submarines .
16 The year 1966 was when the number of people paying a TV licence for the first time exceeded the number paying a radio licence .
17 The only time things went a bit quiet was when a couple of Eladeldi came in and sniffed around , on patrol , because all gatherings on the plat are at their sufferance , public or private .
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