Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adj] [is] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 so you felt that and that pulse point there if you press on it hard enough you can actually stop the one in the wrist and of course that is controlling the flow of blood to the rest of the arm and you leave a pressure point closed off like that for no more than ten minutes , because if you left it on for too long that it means not sufficient blood 's getting to the rest of the , the limbs and the limb must have its blood supply , so you leave the pressure on for ten minutes and then release it , say for ten seconds just so say that the hand comes back pinkish again and if it 's not slowing down , back on with the pressure again for another ten minutes and that 's how you use it , tap off , ten minutes at the most , tap on for a little while , if it 's leaked again reapply , ten minutes at the most , tap on again , okay and that 's how you 'll control it , so if you do have a sit a situation where the bleeding was bad cos you 've got a , a limb severed , you could n't perhaps put sufficient direct pressure over that limb , this done , right , to control the bleeding then you could use indirect pressure , here , breaking or here , right in the , no playing now please , no trying to find this one right now , do this one tonight , in bed and the old lady said now what are you doing to me , never you mind , go to sleep
2 The method used in figure 9.5 is to cut the distribution in two and to display the percentage in one or other group ; here the percentages endorsing the two pessimistic response categories have been amalgamated ( it is slightly inaccurate to describe those who think the economy deteriorated in the past as ‘ pessimists ’ , but it is a convenient shorthand ) .
3 Ken Olisa , who left his position as head of Wang 's European operation shortly after the company filed for Chapter 11 is blaming the company 's problems on its failure to get on the Unix bandwagon in time : ‘ We missed the PC revolution and , having missed it , we missed everything else ’ , he says in an interview with the UK 's Computing .
4 I wonder , therefore , if Ms Wynne-Freer is doing the cause of women or , indeed , canoeing any favours by stressing no capsize and no swimming for ladies being introduced to her club ?
5 So article 7(5) of the Leasing Convention , which provides that nothing in article 7 is to affect the priority of any lien creditor , does not mean that lien creditors are to have priority over the lessor , merely that article 7 itself is not to be treated as dealing with the issue , so that resort must be had to the applicable law .
6 An additional initiative available is to advertise the opportunity either in the Financial Times or on the Accountants Business Network ( ‘ ABN ’ ) .
7 In radio control parlance this is called the frame rate and determines how rapidly and smoothly the servo position can be updated .
8 Varitel Video Inc is to use the system to provide a film and video post-production and network service across California while Entertainment Digital Network Inc is to provide a similar service nationwide .
9 This differential effect on the two parameters of lysosomal stability may indicate that the predominant effect of chronic ethanol administration and of cholesteryl ester is to increase the permeability of pancreatic lysosomal membranes rather than to completely disrupt the organelles .
10 The technique in Scale 1 is to fuel the recluse 's imaginative understanding of a condition where she can freely maximise her spiritual potential and , at the same time , promote the discipline which allows her to do so .
11 The number 8 is called the coordination number of the lattice .
12 Number one is to acknowledge the fact that our line charge is not infinitely long , integrate between the limits -H and +H , differentiate to obtain the electric field , and let then H go to infinity .
13 It fits well with the way the figure placed next her in fig 124 is lifting the mantle on her shoulders ; and this is against the suggested transfer .
14 Another method of making a passive sentence active is to change the subject of the verb .
15 Carlsbad , California-based Stac Electronics Inc is meeting the challenge of the built-in data compression in MS-DOS 6.0 , formally launched by Microsoft Corp yesterday with its own new Stacker 3.1 for Windows and MS-DOS : the company says the new version achieves new levels of safety and ease of use by taking advantage of special operating system features available for the first time in MS-DOS 6.0 ; when loaded , it replaces Microsoft 's DoubleSpace , and integrates the Stacker LZS compression into the operating system , and Stac claims that unlike DoubleSpace , which is based on data compression technology licensed from Vertisoft Systems Inc , $150 Stacker 3.1 is also fully compatible with earlier MS-DOSes .
16 By the time this is read the club season will be under way and we can assess how players adapt to the new laws .
17 Option three is to take the hospital away so there 's no option is there
18 Option 3 is to enable the user to position the reference card correctly .
19 Option 1 is to connect the supply cable as a spur to an existing loop-in ceiling rose or junction box .
20 The shaded area between the actual time-series and the trend line in Fig. 3.1 is called the output gap and is a reflection of the output of goods and services which has been lost as a result of the unemployment .
21 Fremont , California-based SyQuest Technology Inc is sweetening the pill of its profit shortfall by deciding to buy back up to 1m of its 11.4m common shares out from time to time on the open market .
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