Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adj] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is a bit hypocritical both for the questioner and for the Minister , who is a representative of the Government of unemployment , to criticise potential job losses under a Labour Government .
2 They taste a bit different actually to the ones we had .
3 This suggests that the atmospheric CO 2 on Venus is in equilibrium with these types of surface rock and that there exist on Venus accessible surface repositories of CO 2 mainly in the form of carbonates .
4 They also make the point that the one spider that makes daytime webs without stabilimenta , Nephila clavpes , has bright yellow silk , which , they say , makes the web conspicuous enough without the need for resorting to additional warning markers .
5 See Chapter 5 below for the procedure for setting aside bankruptcy orders .
6 This relationship between torque and field strength receives more discussion in Chapter 3 so for the present we need only consider how the pole magnetic field can be maximised .
7 At the end of the flat portion there was a gap big enough for a man 's body to drop through , and then a single rung like a short parallel bar in a gym .
8 International marketing differs from its domestic counterpart due purely to the differences in the political , social , cultural and economic environment between countries .
9 For some time now he had been certain that he had at last evolved a diction appropriate both to the requirements of classical epic and to the subtleties of the alchemical process .
10 In extreme cases , unjustified delay can render a dismissal unfair even in a case where a similar penalty would have been legitimate had management not dragged its feet .
11 Mary A. B. Brazier has described the work of Hans Berger as the triumph of a man working with equipment inadequate even by the standards of his day .
12 This can be done under the Planning Acts by way of a Special Development Order ( SDO ) , or it can be provided for in a Private Act concerned specifically with a project .
13 The application of this principle in the Sexual Offences Act 1967 following upon the publication of the Wolfenden Report in 1957 is well known .
14 Erm , would the er spokesman not agree that there is a crisis in secure accommodation in Leicestershire at the moment due entirely to the stance of the Labour and Liberal parties on this authority .
15 ‘ Their favourite venue now is at the town clock where there is a natural amphitheatre which carries the sound right across to the Pickie area and local residents are sick of it . ’
16 In answer to the question ‘ why does stigma persist ? ’ the products of interactionism shy away from the realities of social structures , preferring to provide an ‘ answer ’ in terms of the spurious generalities of ‘ eternal verities ’ .
17 Keeping in touch with this flow , as well as the hundred-odd pages of daily transcript , was a job practicable only for the zealots like Brian Rome or the massed ranks of the CEGB staff .
18 THE five presidents of Central America kept the beleaguered regional peace process alive yesterday with an agreement that bolstered the governments of Nicaragua and El Salvador by calling for the demobilisation of rebel forces in both countries .
19 Section 64 of the Act of 1986 is the first section of Chapter VI which deals with the powers of intervention exercisable directly by the S.I.B .
20 IN pursuance of the said agreement and in consideration of the sum of FIVE THOUSAND POUNDS now paid by the Purchaser to the Vendor ( the receipt of which sum the Vendor hereby acknowledges ) the Vendor as beneficial owner hereby conveys unto the Purchaser ALL THAT Garage known as Number 47 West Street aforesaid in the County of Gloucester all which said property is more particularly described in the annexed plan and outlined in red TO HOLD the same unto the Purchaser in fee simple together with the benefit of but subject also to a restrictive covenant contained in a Conveyance dated the Twenty-fifth day of May One thousand nine hundred and thirty-four made between the Stroud Brewery Company Limited of the one part and William Thomson deceased of the other part but otherwise free from incumbrances .
21 A hole is then cut in the lid large enough for the powerhead intake to go through and into the pipe .
22 The peculiar situation of a member State of an organisation which is a third party to a treaty concluded by it was the basis of the proposed Article 36 bis in the Vienna Convention on International Organisations .
23 On the other hand , excitation within a band concerned mainly with the ligand might result in enhancement of the intensity of internal ligand vibrations of the resonance Raman spectrum ( Fig. 6.30 ) .
24 Each one is totally different , drawing out a variety of aspects of the band unheard elsewhere on the CD the male/female vocal on 12:8 for example .
25 The only place peaceful enough in the midst of an economic crisis , it seemed , was his early Victorian former vicarage home at Stoney Stanton , in his constituency , two-and-a-half hours ' drive away .
26 A question mark must also hang over its ability to cope with Mutation Engine-based viruses , with a patch file available simultaneously with the launch of the product .
27 Electrical Insulation believes the potential throughout Europe and beyond is considerable with a similar product available only in the USA and Japan .
28 Apart from peg 40 immediately below the Teme it was definitely going to be a feeder job .
29 The kitchen undisturbed presumably since the day the man died .
30 Up until today , the remainder of No. 263–265 together with the strip has been let and occupied as one single set of retail shop premises with a frontage to the Walworth Road .
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