Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] in [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This winsome description fits in with the descriptions of the messianic age in the book of Isaiah , with the wolf lying down with the lamb , the lion and the ox eating straw together , and the little child playing happily and fearlessly with them and even putting its little hand unhurt into the hole of the poisonous viper .
2 You 've got ta get the stu the smell goes in to the liquid then you chuck the liquid away .
3 Stephen thought it a curious place to leave one 's car , blocking , or partly blocking , the northbound roadway , while taking it a farther ten yards on would have enabled its driver to pull in onto the bridlepath that traversed the Vale as far as the Reeve 's way .
4 But , as the striker moved in for the kill , the defender retrieved the situation with a splendid recovery tackle .
5 Sixthly , how would the possible creation of such a German unity fit in with the Helsinki process , and would it promote a constructive evolution of that process in the direction of ending the division of Europe and progressing toward integrated legal , economic , ecological , cultural , and information environments in Europe ?
6 Nineteen Cubans and Spaniards were allowed to disembark , plus three passengers with authentic visas ; the remaining 900 or so Jews waited for news of the negotiations which involved , variously , the Cuban President , his director of immigration , the shipping line , the local relief committee , the ship 's captain and a lawyer flown in from the New York headquarters of the Joint Distribution Committee .
7 I 'm grateful to you for your readiness to fall in with the proposals made , and er , I have enjoyed the opportunity to chair this A G M. The meeting is now concluded .
8 It was cold , too , an icy wind sneaking in through the thatch and through gaps in the mud wall .
9 But more important is a feeling that the sky burial fits in with the isolation and strangeness of the setting .
10 ‘ But I think it is a pointless exercise , ’ said Floy , somewhere towards morning , a thin , cold light filtering in through the windows to where he sat at a great desk , his black hair tumbled , hollows in his cheeks , his face white with fatigue .
11 The light had almost gone from the day now and the forest was becoming bathed in soft , subtle hues of the Purple Hour , Dark blue and turquoise light slanted in through the trees , turning the Wolfwood to a place of dark secret shadows and heavy ancient magic .
12 I feel er something of a stranger walking in on the Maastricht reunion er annual dinner er at the er I have to say that erm I er would n't wish to cross swords with the honourable gentleman on the detail of the Maastricht bill but certainly but certainly I 'ave to say that for many people and maybe even some people on this own side who may be prepared to admit it , the false divide between Euro sceptics and Euro fanatics is one that does n't appeal to the new generations of members and I suspect on both sides of the house , we are in our considered view in Europe and we need to make the best of it and treat Europe on its merits rather than re-live the battles of the er late seventies and early eighties .
13 However , Pound 's diagnosis of Williams 's condition was surely perceptive : Williams could abide American reality ( where Pound and Eliot had to flee from it ) because , as in the admirable ‘ To Elsie ’ ( ’ The pure products of America / go crazy' ) , he remained the immigrant , the outsider looking in on the behaviour of the nation that he had been , by the sheerest accident , born to .
14 There were no windows and only a trickle of light came in through the door behind him .
15 Again , the light level was subterranean , but there were no curtains so a fair amount of yellow light came in from the streetlamps outside .
16 Then our eyes will be firmly caught and firmly held by a bent female figure hurrying in through the door and across the room towards us .
17 The light poured in through the window of our room .
18 The City expects the Chancellor to alter but not altogether abandon the rule , effectively reducing the amount of gilt-edged stock bought in by the Bank of England .
19 Grey , uncertain light leaked in through the curtains .
20 I made my way round the house and crossed the mossy terrace to look in through the drawing-room window .
21 Where it seemed that this would cause injustice , equity stepped in with the doctrine of " part performance " : if the contract were partly performed , equity would not allow a statute to be used " as an engine of fraud " .
22 Led by Major Ronnie Tod , 30 men went ashore and had hardly been gone a few minutes when Dudley Clarke and the commander saw the dark outline of a boat coming in from the sea .
23 These , including tea brought in by the East India Company from China , grew from around £500,000 in value in 1700 to almost £2 million by 1770 .
24 A stranger coming in to the house that you 've never seen before
25 I was reading some gimcrack book about economics , full of those pictograms that fall half-way between diagrams and drawings , when I heard the thudding of a diesel engine running under the roar of the gale coming in off the sea and over the whirr of the fan heater that was marinading my feet .
26 The first of these sets the amount of effect coming in from the JMP 's effects loop — a really good idea and all amps should have this in some form .
27 That 's a lot of light coming in on the back I think .
28 I inspected the room in the faint light coming in around the shutters .
29 Her face was a white blur under the dark cloak and hood she wore as protection against the fierce wind coming in off the sea .
30 The sky , which had been clear and filled with stars , was clouding over and a moist wind blew in from the sea .
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