Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] our [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The social evening held at Royston was very enjoyable , a fine opportunity to meet our colleagues in a relaxed atmosphere .
2 And it is fatuous for Mr Paddy Ashdown to claim that he stands in readiness to preserve our democracy with a more moderate alternative to Labour .
3 Government will work in partnership to secure our heritage for the benefit of future generations .
4 Here the emphasis is on technology as an autonomous and primary force driving our society in a certain direction .
5 The Sergeant and Corporal leading our bit of the search party were out of earshot .
6 ‘ It 's a way of future proofing our investment in the existing technology . ’
7 The gravitational force dominates our Universe on the large scale , binding matter into stars , stars into galaxies , and galaxies into clusters of galaxies .
8 This study presents our findings in a series of 25 consecutive patients .
9 Spiral cleavage focuses our attention on the role of cell lineage in specifying pattern .
10 Molly 's uncle , Philip , Lord Noel-Baker , one of our Vice-Presidents recently celebrated his 90th birthday and it gives us great pleasure to add our greetings to the many he has received from all over the world .
11 The research continues our work on the development of the LBS model of the UK Economy .
12 We chose to tackle the walk from north to south , not least because the route passes our home in the south — though the excellent official guide provides duplicate maps and instructions for waling it the other way .
13 And this manuscript describes our Hasan to the letter ! ’
14 Vinny grinned : ‘ The boss subjected our earholes to a bit of GBH and we came back so strongly we were a bit sick at having to settle for a point after going 3-2 up . ’
15 Although in some ways it seems hardly necessary to have to justify this , the concerns of management merit our interest for a number of reasons .
16 Lack of sufficient oxygen affects our bodies in the same way .
17 This is an exceedingly exciting time to be joining N C V O. I took over from at the beginning of September , nineteen ninety-one , with the reorganisation , thankfully fully , in place , and a clear strategic plan to fulfil our role as the voice of the voluntary sector .
18 This practical reference frames our discussion of the newspaper reporting .
19 Our decision to give the Commissioners of Inland Revenue responsibility for overseeing the work reflected our understanding of the demand in Scotland for consistency in the way in which taxes operate throughout Great Britain .
20 These estimated 's can then be used to estimate from equation ( 3.15 ) , that is : where over a variable or coefficient denotes our estimate of the variable or coefficient .
21 Likewise , in reviewing Our Towns , the journal Social Work argued that two things stood out about its analysis of the evacuation experience — ‘ our failure to educate our girls as home-makers , in spite of seventy years of compulsory education , and our failure to provide our people with the raw material for home-making ’ .
22 Short 's paper demonstrates , on the one hand , the possibility , and indeed the necessity , of extending the scope of descriptive categories to a diverse range of text types , while on the other hand it stresses the need to refine our understanding of the conventions and expectations that are specific to each individual type of discourse .
23 At this breaking of day and at this dawning of a new year may we have the courage to put our hands into the hand of God .
24 Notwithstanding this , we have an immediate need to protect our property from the moment the slate falls .
25 The need to rethink our concept of the research library in this wider information environment will be discussed .
26 And this has been put in place alongside our position on the Gulf to complete our policy on the Middle East where we were condemning the hypocrisy of the western nations who have been supplying the Third World with arms and then going in there , fighting er just to maintain access to the oil .
27 Weathering is therefore an appropriate place to begin our look at the operation and effects of exogenic geomorphic processes .
28 He makes no apologies for choosing to worship in a spiritually inspiring building : ‘ The decision to put our children into the cathedral choir was a quite conscious one .
29 My right hon. Friend met our colleagues from the other member states of the Community for two days last week at Noordwijk .
30 May the MEDAU SOCIETY continue to blossom , grow and stay alive — it is an example for us and at the same time an inspiration to continue our work for the benefit of people everyone .
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