Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] them [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 a Services Division to support them for a transitional period
2 She could lie in bed at night and in imagination move confidently around the cottage touching them in a happy exploration of shared memories and reassurance .
3 In the first place , becoming a housewife impresses them by the very openness of the role [ ? ] and by the freedom they now have from constraining supervision …
4 At noon , the exhausted Pack gathered together and Brown Owl led them to a shady area .
5 Windows opened ; grocers ran to the doors of their shops ; customers stopped discussing bacon and turned ; our teachers wobbled on their bicycles as the noise buffeted them like a violent squall ; and boys sprinted to the school gates as they came out of the building , though many others , cool boys , shrugged or turned away in disgust , gobbing , cursing and scuffling their feet .
6 It is understood therefore , that , as part of the pupil 's exploration of aspects of religion and morality , he/she will have access to these five main elements of the Mysteries of the Faith , and the opportunity to relate them to the particular issue/topic being explored .
7 Barclays Bank is one of the cheapest widely-available sources of travellers ' cheques , charging 1 p.c. to issue them with a minimum fee of £2 .
8 These might be wild animals who possessed particular strengths and had little contact with man , like a lion , jackal , hawk and crocodile , or might be animals whose usefulness placed them in a special relationship with man , like the crow , ram and cat .
9 A car passed them on the single track road , heading north ; they stood aside to let it pass , waving at the single occupant when he waved at them .
10 The long black limousine drove them through the wintry city .
11 The second key let them into a vaulted stone cellar , and groping torch in hand along the far wall behind the piled casks of wine , Thomas brushed the cobwebs from a low , insignificant door .
12 The duo 's set seemed lethargic , a muddy mix robbing them of the textured subtleties that make their records so invigorating .
13 From time to time the press carries rumours of such enquiries , but they usually remain rumours unless legal action takes them into the public domain , because the DTI never comments or publishes the findings .
14 A heavy door swung open and a figure beckoned them into a warm lozenge of light .
15 But , while these points may be reasonable , and some of them may be true , this attempt to embed them in a general theory or schema seems unhelpful .
16 The Buid resent the use of the term and the attempt to place them in the moral as well as material debt of the lowlanders .
17 His Honour Judge Maddocks , dismissing their appeal , said the practice of the partnership was that of the two offices together because the partnership ran them as a single business .
18 Rachel wrenched herself out of his embrace , aware of the barman watching them with an indulgent smile , as though they were lovers , not enemies .
19 After a dry tour , the brewery directed them to the local pub — which sells a RIVAL brew .
20 It was difficult to remember the route , but Lowell 's van in the bottom field signposted them in the right direction .
21 DINAMO Tbilisi , as expected , have lodged their appeal against UEFA 's decision to disqualify them from the European Cup ( writes Lyle Jackson ) .
22 He urged people not to let the short-term problems of recession blind them to the long-term truth .
23 Grooms took their horses whilst a pompous steward of the Prince 's household led them up the main steps into the spacious hall .
24 The aim was that as a greater number of the population became eligible for national insurance benefits , fewer people would be dependent on the safety net of national assistance to provide them with a minimum income .
25 Hewett despatched Charlton around the outside of the inn to meet them at the outside door , while he and the landlord hurried through to the tap room .
26 Very light , very hurried steps , but the bare , glossy wood turned them into a muffled drum-roll .
27 That is the same price Leeds council paid them in the mid 1980 's and about £2.5m less than the local authority are looking for now .
28 The main street of the village faced them on the other side of the Westport road .
29 If they are purchased through a large department store , the shop will send an expert to fix them for a small extra charge .
30 This church , Santa Ephygenia was where the African slaves came to worship , to pray to the saint to protect them from the dreadful accidents they faced in the mines .
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