Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] out into [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , it made it more exciting , ’ said Cormack , and felt the warmth of the whisky and relaxed as the boat swung out into the open sea and the weekend disappeared in the mist .
2 I stood by the window staring out into the foggy darkness , taking deep breaths to try and stifle some hollow feeling of new disease .
3 A quarter of a mile further on the lane widened out into a small clearing in the trees .
4 The street then became the stadium and the custom-built truck opened out into a full stage with a public address system , railings , lights , flags , party backdrop and seating all built in .
5 The African elephant shrew , a highly-strung insect-eating mammal the size of a mouse with a nose drawn out into a mobile trunk , depends for its safety on knowing its trails better than any hunter that might chase it .
6 The trick is preventing the fire in the midriff breaking out into a public conflagration .
7 Holly stepped out into the bitter wind .
8 The cart burst out into the open space at the end of the tunnel .
9 The ingratitude comes out into the open and sets as hard as marble .
10 With the changing outlook of its leadership , the NFoL 's early concentration upon opposing pornography broadened out into a general opposition to the modern permissive society .
11 The alley opened out into a large square courtyard from which , on all sides , reared five-storey buildings , all in a state of dilapidation , and outside of each was a mound of filth and rubbish , some giving off a stench which left nothing to the imagination as from what it was derived .
12 My head bobbed out into the cold dry air .
13 I am dying , she thought , as her forehead broke out into a fine sweat , I do not even have to think of it , my mind is on other things , but there is a disturbance , quite plainly to be felt , in the mechanism of my heart .
14 For all that has happened , I could n't stop watching for her figure as my train pulled out into the bright sunlight and the rails took me … ’ .
15 Before a bushbaby sets out into the African night , it performs a strange ritual : it cups its hands and then urinates on them .
16 After a short walk the road widened out into an elegant , sweeping avenue with tree-shaded sliproads on either side .
17 I walk through the lounge thinking something looks wrong somehow , then stop and stand still where the lounge opens out into the main terminal building , suddenly filled with horror and confusion ; it 's all too small and not shaped right !
18 The walls of the craft crashed inwards , the air rushed out into the inky blackness .
19 She was already starting to feel battered by the increased level of the sound , and it was a relief to get out into the lower buzz and the cooler lights .
20 The tobacco weighed out into the two separate tins he passed over the counter to her , he said , ‘ That 'll be one and tuppence ha'penny , eh lass ? ’
21 Beyond the store , the garden opened out into an untidy sloping lawn , with trees and shrubs , and the flags narrowed to a terrace .
22 The horses were standing where the path opened out into a small glade .
23 Follow the obvious path leading north along the ridge as the path opens out into a wide track .
24 Then the red lights came on and L Detachment sprang out into the pitch-black night , unsure of exactly where they were .
25 All day long the murky weather had held over the River Thames and as night closed in the February fog swirled out into the narrow cobbled lanes and backstreets of Bermondsey .
26 You leave the gas bottle on the floor at the foot of the bed and walk quickly away along the shorter length of corridor and step through the emergency exit out into the loud darkness of the night .
27 Although a problem is not an invitation to launch out into a general disquisition on the department of law on which the problem is set , it is important in working out the problem to state all the rules of law that are really relevant to it .
28 The ketchup bottle cascaded out into a million glass fragments which showered down in slow motion ; floating and turning lazily like snowflakes , the light shivering in them like jewels .
29 Louise Butler watched her potential saviours drive away , their horn blaring out into the dark night .
30 On powering up , the front panel breaks out into a mini light show , each window blazing out its particular setting in red , except for the program number window which reads out in green for easy identification on stage .
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