Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] out [prep] an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the centre was the ironing-board made out of an old table covered with a blanket and a sheet .
2 When the late Conservative administration did its sums at the end of 1963 it found that its future programme worked out at an annual rate of increase of 4.1 per cent .
3 This research grew out of an earlier project ( funded by the Leverhulme Trust and the History of the University of Oxford ) to collect data on the social origins , university experience and career destination of a stratified 10% sample of Oxford University 's twentieth century members .
4 The reason for the overall cut-off point of ten years is to prevent the threat of legal action stretching out for an unlimited period .
5 Music and laughter wafted out like an invisible cloud .
6 There is a display also of various types of mountain refuge or cabin , from which you can judge how extremely uncomfortable it must have been for those invited by Count Russell to share his quarters on his favourite mountain of Vignemale , for the so-called ‘ Russell ’ is quite the most Spartan of shelters , little more than a hollow scooped out under an overhanging rock .
7 ‘ My symptoms only became apparent after 18 months — the skin of my bottom broke out in an itchy rash .
8 Here a new character entered the drama , an elderly Englishman kitted out in an English safari costume of the pre-war years : baggy khaki shorts , long stockings , a khaki shirt with big pockets and epaulettes , and a broad-brimmed hat .
9 Iron shortage shows out as an overall pale colouring in the leaves .
10 When water flows out from an artesian well in a confined aquifer , none of the pore space drains completely .
11 Urquhart slowed his pace and glanced around , his head picked out by an orange-yellow from the street lamps .
12 Even more crucially , if the nuclear industry was right about the lack of danger to health from its routine operations , then one piece of evidence stood out like an unexplained sore thumb .
13 She started going through her bag , making sure she had everything , like a woman going out for an ordinary evening .
14 Almost violently , she raised her body , ducking her head at the same time , her feverish lips seeking the scorching lure of his again , the demand for his kiss born out of an intuitive need to let him silence her , so that he might not hear the words and other sounds which would tell him just how complete his dominion of her senses already was .
15 His Quaker father started out as an illiterate nailer at Stourbridge , but , through thrift and considerable business acumen , became a manufacturer of nails on the putting-out system , an ironmonger , and an owner of iron-refining works .
16 Viscous liquid oozed out like an alien blob and slowly enveloped the dented car .
17 It is interpretation carried out within an existing legal framework : where a trust has actually been set up by a settlor , and it is a matter for the jurist to interpret or elucidate details .
18 Once they are included in the explanation participation drops out as an inessential part of many consent situations .
19 She leaned against the wooden wall , and tried to flatten herself as a tall thin man came out of an adjacent door and turned in her direction .
20 After a short walk the road widened out into an elegant , sweeping avenue with tree-shaded sliproads on either side .
21 Something of a row broke out with an awkward commuter .
22 And this is a child 's and bonnet to make out of an old felted woolly .
23 Whilst this statement was made in a case arising out of an alleged assault on a pupil , its relevance surely extends to other punishments which are similarly controlled by the common law .
24 He was a Maniak all right , flying colours , with a pair of sawn-off pumpguns crossed on his back , and a long braided pigtail whipping out like an epileptic snake from under his horned skidlid .
25 More than 400 birds were coated with oil when 50 tonnes of crude oil spilled out from an opened valve as the Cypriot-registered tanker Worthy discharged her cargo at Fawley Refinery .
26 Beyond the store , the garden opened out into an untidy sloping lawn , with trees and shrubs , and the flags narrowed to a terrace .
27 a spark jumps out of an ordinary household fire and causes it to spread .
28 Giger was asked to produce designs not only for the full-grown monster , especially its head , but also for the two earlier stages , the ‘ face-hugger ’ ( the piece that comes out of the egg to attach itself to an animal/human and force an embryo down their throat ) and the ‘ chest-burster ’ ( the small creature that has grown enough within the host to burst out to an independent existence , killing the host in the process ) .
29 This project arises out of an earlier ESRC-funded study in England and France which revealed unexpected and significant differences in teachers ' approach to their classroom practice in the two countries .
30 ‘ Fifty to win is a lot of money to lay out on an untried filly . ’
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