Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] out [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The words which I have read are plain : it was Mr. Vanbergen who said he was going down to Eastbourne , that he was going down as part of his business , and that he did not think he would be getting back after his business on Thursday in time to pay it on Thursday , and the concession arose out of the question whether or not the debtor could be back in town in time to bring it himself , because he frankly said he was trying to get a little more time .
2 However , the Court had also held in Case 362/90 , d'Urso , [ 1990 ] 1 ECR 4105 that a collective decision to contract out of the Directive was not binding on individual employees who wish subsequently to transfer .
3 The wind was blowing hard at the Highlanders ' faces , according to the literature given out at the Culloden Visitors ' Centre , and the two armies were in position at one o'clock , approximately four to five hundred yards apart .
4 The case arose out of the Executive Agreement concluded between the United States and the Islamic Republic of Iran which led to the eventual release of the hostages detained in Tehran from November 1979 to January 1981 .
5 Our sympathy goes out to the player and his family . ’
6 ‘ When the woman driver got out of the car she went to intervene between the two men .
7 The driver got out of the car .
8 I had joined them on their route marches out of the concentration area at Southampton .
9 At a depth of 16 metres he came across a larger than life size bronze foot sticking out of the sand that proved only to be the tip of a large area of buried statues dating from the fifth century BC to the fourth century AD .
10 I wonder how Manzoni must have felt as he gazed out of his window at the Palazzo Belgioioso and the comings and goings of Prince Albercio ; the Prince rode out of the square each day on a horse , dressed in a bright general 's uniform , in order to review the private bodyguard he equipped and maintained .
11 The administrator kept careful account of money laid out from the estate .
12 7.6.2 Subject to the provisions of clauses 7.6.3 and 7.6.4 the Landlord shall as soon as the Permissions have been obtained or immediately where no Permissions are required apply all money received in respect of such insurance ( except sums in respect of loss of Rent ) in rebuilding or reinstating the Premises or the Retained Parts so destroyed or damaged [ making up any difference between the cost of rebuilding and reinstating and the money received out of the Landlord 's own money ] It is important to include the words in square brackets in order to ensure that the damaged or destroyed premises are reinstated .
13 In rebuilding or reinstating those parts of the Centre including essential accesses and services so destroyed or damaged making up any difference between the cost of rebuilding and reinstating and the insurance money received out of the Landlord 's own money
14 I could , to be sure , scribble off things the whole day long , but a composition of this kind goes out into the world , and naturally I do not want to have cause to be ashamed of my name on the title-page .
15 ‘ My heart goes out to the father and to all the family .
16 ‘ When her heart goes out of the game that 's it .
17 The driver leaned out of the window and shouted at the lad , sounded his horn twice , then drove on .
18 Whenever we went there , Salvo and I expected Hasan 's ghost to leap out of the darkness and slit our throats with his dagger .
19 Slowly , Fand leaned her forehead on the spear-shaft , fair hair raying out in the water .
20 Jack Charlton has given the Swindon winger Tony Galvin permission to pull out of the Republic of Ireland 's World Cup squad for next week 's final qualifier in Malta .
21 In the time-reversed case , the object emerges from the space-time singularity to come out through the horizon and attain an extended form ( Figure 1b ) .
22 In the store room next to the kitchen were a long table and shelves always covered with all sorts of provisions ; large earthenware jars full of confits of pork and goose , a small barrel where vinegar slowly matured , a bowl where honey oozed out of the comb , jams , preserves of sorrel and of tomatoes , and odd bottles with grapes and cherries marinating in brandy ; next to the table a weighing machine on which I used to stand at regular intervals ; sacks of haricot beans , of potatoes ; eggs , each one carefully dated in pencil .
23 Mick was there first and climbed onto the tailboard to pull out for the rogue two of Paddy 's cans ( a fact which Paddy was slow to forget ) .
24 The lords in parliament , and in the courthouse and the castle , they do not know how we live — they know nothing about us , except that we will die for them , to protect their forts in India and in Scotland ’ — his voice sharpened suddenly , his arm swung round and pointed north and a gust of response rose out of the crowd — ‘ we have always been good at that , their demands can never be satisfied , regiments for the colonies , indentured servants and labourers for the plantations , they have scoured Scotland like a killing wind and the men have been whirled away in the blast of it .
25 Her older brother and sister found out about the situation and teased her unmercifully .
26 There is a bench-lined sanctuary opening out of the west side of the Central Court , but without a throne and without an antechamber or en suite lustral basin .
27 Yesterday , the union claimed the first jobs casualty of the base rate rise — the Automobile Association 's announcement of 500 job losses , in the wake of the company 's decision to pull out of the air package holiday business .
28 Asian women come from many different language groups , practise at least three main religions and have come to Britain in varied patterns of migration but ask them about their family life and the similarity of their experience stands out like the skeleton in an X-ray .
29 As its fiery twigs flashed out and cut into the inky cloud , the thunder rolled out of the west .
30 He added : ‘ It seems a bit of a nonsense to struggle to provide a good service and then for compensation awarded by the Ombudsman to come out of the money provided for the work in the first place . ’
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