Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] her [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 After the lunch break Sister shared her experience as a nurse and bereavement counsellor in a busy London casualty department .
2 Odd-Knut 's girlfriend lowered her oar into the water and it hit something hard .
3 The distraught protest ended in a sharp cry as fitzAlan 's open hand flashed out , striking her cheek with enough force to whip her head to the side .
4 The snorting of a horse drew her attention to the right , and she saw Scathach 's stolen mount , roughly tethered .
5 Many commentators interpreted Aquino 's action as an attempt to revive her reputation as a populist and to distance herself from the charges of nepotism , corruption and incompetence which had been increasingly directed against her government by critics from both the right and the left .
6 Fran forced herself to sound cool and friendly , to betray no hint of the fear twisting her heart at the thought of what she might discover .
7 5 Continuing the pressure , the defender forces her attacker to the floor .
8 Fear lifted her voice to a higher pitch , and one or two people around them glanced curiously in their direction .
9 The abrupt encounter , the strangeness of his question and the equal strangeness of her unpremeditated reply threw her mind into a turmoil .
10 ‘ You 've made it , ’ he said languidly , watching the light turning her waves to a red-gold .
11 Above it , an old woman in a white headscarf raises her hands above the Sabbath candles , to praise the hidden Queen who dances for her inside the flames .
12 The gold-winning Country Living entry celebrated her work with a nostalgic cottage-garden full of lupins , irises and climbing roses .
13 The fragments that remain take the form of the ceremony of the Churching of Women after childbirth , that is , that after forty days of confinement , the woman goes to church for a ritual to mark her return to the community .
14 As the superintendent cut her way through the herd of lunchtime drinkers , Dexter followed in her wake , like a driver who glues himself to the back of an ambulance careering through busy streets on an emergency call .
15 Jezrael leaped at the man in a balletic kick , somersaulting as the back of his neck snagged her foot for a second .
16 ‘ Those bruises were caused by her assailant gripping her arms during the attack . ’
17 A dim night-light cast her shadow against the closed double doors she knew opened on to his rooms .
18 A child , allowed to stay up and watch the ball 's beginning , stared wide-eyed from a balcony , while the Countess tapped her stick on the parquet floor in time to the music .
19 By accepting the jurisdiction of an external authority in domestic matters , the UK in effect converted her responsibility for the external relations of the Isle of Man into a total responsibility for its internal affairs , and abrogated by a sidewind the semi-independence of the Islands , which are under the Crown but not part of the United Kingdom .
20 ‘ No — I definitely am not ! ’ she sighed happily , unable to say any more as his mouth possessed her lips in a long , slow , lingering kiss .
21 3 The defender cocks her arms in the block position .
22 As he knelt at his mother 's feet , the sovereign invested her son with the symbols of office , ‘ by girding him with a Sword … by putting a Coronet on his head … and a Gold Ring on his finger … and also by delivering a Gold Rod into his hand , that he may preside there and may direct and defend those parts to hold to him and his heirs … for ever ’ .
23 It is the 31-year-old journalist 's second attempt to complete her ascent of the world 's tallest peak after an earlier effort was aborted due to bad weather .
24 Her success against 31 other drivers in the regional contest won her place in the national final in Bedfordshire later this year .
25 Long jumper Yinka Idowu from Carterton who competes for the Oxford City club won her place in the team a couple of weeks ago when she won the British title at Sheffield … she only finished third in trials at the weekend but is still regarded as one of our best young athletes …
26 Long jumper Yinka Idowu from Carterton who competes for the Oxford City club won her place in the team a couple of weeks ago when she won the British title at Sheffield … she only finished third in trials at the weekend but is still regarded as one of our best young athletes …
27 Is it Cindy Hill you 're so keen on that you even force our poor Aged P out into the snow to take her father to a county match ? ’
28 He did , however , deplore her socialist tendencies and her readiness to advertise her opinions to the world in her books .
29 A HAIRDRESSER who asked a teenage employee to push her buttocks against a letterbox so he could fondle them through it was ordered to pay her £1,000 for sexual harassment yesterday .
30 S said that she needed the car to take her family to the airport and that in any case they were only abroad for one week out of two , so she would need the car again on her return .
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