Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] at [art] [noun sg] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Again a scientist stands at the point which has at present been reached within a long tradition of enquiry .
2 The second in a three-part series on America 's reviving car industry looks at the way its management has changed
3 Other ears heard the transmission , so by the time the force arrived at the target it was covered by a very effective smokescreen .
4 Ward was leaning forward again , his weight dragging at the arm he was still holding .
5 This was confirmed when I heard a Syrian soldier talking at a roadblock we encountered .
6 Because bargaining occurs at the margin there is a tendency in negotiating situations for each party to take the course of action which seems to minimize the disadvantages , rather than to maximize the gains .
7 Both Venables and Sugar attended a 90-minute board meeting at the club which agreed to dismiss Ashby , an alleged undischarged bankrupt .
8 Cummins Engines , in Yarm Road , is putting on a special display of the work done at the plant which will include demonstrations of all the vehicles fitted with Cummins Engines .
9 He laughed wryly , walking over to the window to stare at the view she had enjoyed such a short time before .
10 The upper floors of the storage shed were also at inconvenient levels and the discovery of wholesale decay in this joisted construction supported a policy of removing these elements and replacing them with a new upper-floor set at a level which could be extended into the roundels to give adequate headroom in the new ground-storey rooms , while ensuring that the four upper-storey bedrooms located in these projections had a sufficiently deep vertical wall surface to accommodate conventional windows .
11 Topaz stared at the marquis whose suggestion had left her dumbfounded .
12 Between October 1989 and March 1990 there occurred a number of attacks on Spanish diplomatic missions : on Oct. 26 , 1989 , an explosive device wrecked the car of the Spanish consul-general in Rotterdam ; the following day two grenades were launched against a Spanish embassy building in The Hague ; on Dec. 6 a bomb exploded at the embassy itself .
13 The old women of the town marvelled at a child whose intellect had been ‘ forced into almost an unnatural ripeness ’ , and their flattery made him vain :
14 The months of frustration had begun to drain his enthusiasm , until the arrest of Terence MacSwiney , MacCurtain 's successor as Lord Mayor , and his death in Brixton Prison after seventy-four days on hunger strike banished at a stroke his returning doubts .
15 More then 40,000 ecstatic fans filled stadia each night to scream at the girly they instantly dubbed the Mighty Minogue .
16 Second , he assumes that the natural level of output grows at a rate which for any individual country is a constant over time but which may differ between countries .
17 Startled , George turned his head to stare at a woman who was standing up somewhere in the middle of the tight-packed rows of the audience .
18 After a bit , he took off his debonair jacket and lay back on the bed in a beautiful fluted shirt , much creased , holding her newspaper over his head to look at the article she had been reading .
19 And the next morning when she and Charity arrived at the meeting they were as much in the dark as everyone else .
20 The event started at the museum itself .
21 He has been questioned about alleged pornography found at the house he shares in Evesham with the school 's Headmaster , Richard Alston , who has also been suspended .
22 On February 3rd 1817 an entry in his diary hints at the dreariness he found in his marathon task of writing the Guide .
23 The irony is primarily at the expense of Mrs Moreen ( a lady less refined than she would like to appear ) , and secondarily at the expense of Pemberton ( whom we smile at and with over his impotence to get at the information he wants ) .
24 and they keep their reading books from the li their library going at the pace they want to go at
25 The intention was to reduce it to that rate which would constrain aggregate demand to grow at a rate which could be met by increases in real output .
26 So it would start the timing mechanism running at the moment it dropped it over the side .
27 He was leaning against the casualty department door leering at the nurse who was dabbing gently at the three parallel scratches on Martin 's face .
28 It is essential for an investor to decide at the outset what it expects to obtain from the due diligence exercise .
29 Mother Hilary may well be the one to shed those tears , but she is also a realist who realises that for her daughter to achieve at the sport she loves , she needed to leave home .
30 A faint smile grew across her face an while the old man sipped at the soup she gradually became the proud owner of a huge , cunning grin .
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