Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] with [pers pn] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Where mystics like the author of The Cloud of Unknowing and Walter Hilton insist that their apprehension of the divine brings with it a calm joy that has nothing to do with either physical or emotional sensation , these prophetic visionaries feel , like Julian , that the shock of the divine impact has brought them close to death .
2 For while an objective attitude carries with it a certain distance , and a recognition that what we think of as natural responses such as gratitude or resentment are out of place , reactive attitudes confirm our beliefs about the expectations people have of one another in society .
3 Marriage brings with it a disconcerting reality :
4 On our way back to the main road , at the end of the day we persuaded the reluctant Halim to investigate with us the loud festivities issuing from an isolated group of stilt houses .
5 But also , it is not exactly that they bring sexuality to politics ( it was always already there ) ; rather deviant desire brings with it a different kind of political knowledge , and hence inflects both desire and politics differently .
6 In a way the actual liquidation brought with it a curious sense of relief .
7 So desire for , and identification with , the cultural and racial other brings with it a complicated history .
8 Discontent with the outcome of education carries with it a general low esteem for those who dispense this unsatisfactory commodity , the teachers .
9 From a positive standpoint , that kind of happening brings with it an educational experience with a particular degree of vitality .
10 What is more , the cultivation of the idea of emperorship brought with it a renewed interest in the rich sources of the Roman law .
11 As he set off to return to the dairy and Tess , his father rode with him a little way .
12 A chink of light from behind the thick curtain told him that it was morning , and the prospect brought with it a deep sense of foreboding .
13 This latest presentational fiasco carries with it a perverse irony : it was that trickiest of time-honoured running sores , the cold climate allowance , which first brought Mr Major to public attention .
14 The anthropologists ' work of reconstruction carries with it a major temptation , which is to try to show that every part of an exotic culture is coherent and consistent with all the other parts .
15 This is partly as a means of enhancing control , permitting the field man to transmit his concern about the effluent to the discharger , the props of sampling conferring a certain sense of gravity and the act of sampling carrying with it the clear implication that the discharger is under scrutiny .
16 Besides , his robust narrative voice carries with it a quiet irony as the reader sees more than he realises of this attractively vigorous and unaffected hero .
17 Roy Porter maintains , however , that in the eighteenth century the growth of fashion brought with it a new standard of beauty which emphasized the artificial , so that many Georgians feared a civilization of facades .
18 Now that Novell has bought Unix from AT&T , all the incompatible versions of Unix will have to stop fighting each other and start fighting their rivals , because this version carries with it the best argument yet — a box with the word Novell on it .
19 Thankfully , this mystic certainty brings with it a deepening understanding of the ways of our human mind .
20 Raising questions about whether we are able to know the nature of reality carries with it the scientific baggage involved in our substantive conception of truth .
21 Since mathematics deals with purely imaginary entities , there is theoretically nothing preventing AB from being equal to CD except the need for someone to conceive them as equal , so that the actualization of let carries with it the automatic actualization of be equal .
22 ‘ This latest project brings with it a new lease of life to a formerly run down area .
23 For the purposes of this chapter , this question of chronology makes only one difference , and that is in assessing how long the two separate procedural regimes lasted ; how long therefore the use of a trust brought with it a distinct advantage compared with the use of a modal legacy .
24 Thus an English ambassador going to Stockholm in the mid-seventeenth century took with him a great quantity of household goods and even food " hard to be met with in Sweden " , as well as enough horses to fill a ship hired specially to carry them .
25 He was shown the location of the bathroom and toilets and the nurse discussed with him the extra hygiene measures which he would require to prepare him for surgery .
26 Yeah I ask mum and dad to stay with us a few more , two thirds of a carrier bag full .
27 The position carries with it an attractive benefits package and career prospects within the Company are excellent .
28 This twofold emphasis upon religious consciousness and on the task of theology in the present brings with it a major shift in the understanding of the character of theological and doctrinal statements — a shift from the objective to the subjective pole , from the truth to be affirmed to the awareness and intention of the person or community affirming it .
29 Each brother brought with him a full retinue of staff – – artisans , labourers , shoemakers and so on – – in fact all the elements of the Hindu caste system .
30 That last fact carries with it an unjust overall valuation of student status , eternal or otherwise , and one which Dostoevsky was not prepared to stand by ; which is why ‘ the student ’ becomes Peter Verkhovensky in The Possessed .
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