Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] for [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 You can use this function to wait for a specified time for a key to be pressed .
2 Organ jazz has for a long time been club-trendy but it has taken until now for a new artist to come through to match the likes of Jimmy Smith and ‘ Big ’ John Patton with whom she shares a clear affinity in her choice of rhythms and blues inflections .
3 He had been crouched on the first-floor landing for a long time , peering through the banister rails to the kitchen at the end of the lower corridor , listening to the ebb and flow of their conversation .
4 Best editor seen for a long time .
5 Doubt was cast on Cameron 's results partly by the lack of control data he offered , and , later , after his death , his reputation for scientific integrity was irretrievably damaged by the revelation that much of his experimental work had for a long time been secretly supported by the CIA , including some rather insidious studies of the effects of covertly administered LSD on the behaviour of unsuspecting people .
6 Questions whirled in her brain as the play progressed , unfolding its tale to an appreciative audience , yet she was no nearer to an answer as the curtain dropped for the final time after the cast had been made to take several bows .
7 The Collector sat for a long time contemplating his boots which , because of the dampness , had become covered in green mould .
8 Special education has for a long time been fertile ground for curricula based on linear models of learning , guided and assessed through hierarchies of objectives .
9 Does this snow stuff stay for a long time ? ’
10 Ian left the colour to develop for the maximum time of forty minutes under a gentle heat .
11 The period is 27 years , and the eclipse lasts for a long time ; the last began on 22 July 1982 and did not end until 25 June 1984 , though it was total only for a year ( January 1983 to January 1984 ) .
12 I stood outside his door listening for a long time ; there was n't a sound .
13 The win by Peter Crispe and navigator Tony Poole was an exceptionally popular one , the pair having been stalwarts of air racing for a long time .
14 ‘ I 'd like to know how much elation black leadership feels for this occasion , if any , of murder by mob , murder by trial , murder by jury , ’ Reed stated , his voice rising for the only time .
15 As my hon. Friend the Member for Copeland ( Dr. Cunninghan ) said , the Secretary of State spoke for a long time — until about 6 o'clock .
16 But the old Jew sat for a long time in silence as the wind and rain in the darkness outside lashed at the windows of Damiani 's old home .
17 The crowd lingers for a long time , until it 's almost dark .
18 The geographical concentration of the relatively high per capita income services — especially in finance — in London and the South East has for a long time been a feature of the British economy [ Brown , 1972 ] .
19 As this transistor conducts for a fixed time , dictated by the winding time constant , it may be switched from a fixed-period monostable circuit triggered by tile phase excitation signal .
20 These considerations lead lenders to charge different rates for the same amount loaned for a given time period to , say , the government , a commercial company and a private individual .
21 If the situation lasts for a long time with no sign of improvement , you should discuss the future very carefully with the doctor or hospital specialist , rather than trying to cope in a hopeless situation which can not resolve itself .
22 This county pays for a full time union official this is extravagant , one full timer for five hundred members , that is way over the top let me tell you .
23 Have n't had my hand kissed for a long time . ’
24 ‘ I have n't played guitar synth live for a long time , but what I use is a Photon MIDI converter , which I actually got about two weeks ago ; I put it on one of my Steinberger guitars .
25 Yesterday the deputy principal , Alan Dixon , said the college has earmarked between £15,000 and £20,000 each year to pay for a full time teacher at the Adult Basic Education Unit .
26 When they had eaten their meal of wheat ro is and milk they kept the fire going for a long time .
27 The Princess found herself pigeon holed for a long time as a result of those early associations , but they were nevertheless a useful apprenticeship .
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