Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] from the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However , just before it died , there was what looked like a length of white cotton thread hanging from the anal vent .
2 Would Johnny appear to hang in mid-air , suspended on some invisible support hidden from the interested gaze of Cassie 's contemporaries ?
3 What a relief for Great Britain that Gregory has agreed to tour and gone back on his original decision to retire from the international scene .
4 Israel will have to trim its army because of a £320-million deficit stemming from the Palestinian uprising , a military source said yesterday in Jerusalem .
5 A less well-known example is of H. V. Hilprecht , an archaeologist at Pennsylvania University who in 1893 was given drawings of fragments of agate excavated from the Babylonian temple of Bal at Nippur .
6 Technically , it is on commercial grounds , and they can not recoup the money made from the everyday operation of the reactor to pay for the refurbishment of the reactor , that is true .
7 The government has thus attempted to restrict local authority discretion by reducing the level of income received from the central government via cuts in the RSG and through rate capping .
8 The island community Nichols studied traditionally spoke Gullah , a creole variety developed from the African/English pidgin of early slave plantations .
9 The sum of £250 had been borrowed from Joseph Barnard , the treasurer , to make good the actual deficiency which ‘ had not arisen from any defect or negligence whatever in the management of the institution , but on the contrary arose from the great success of the Infirmary and the high reputation it had acquired , so that the number of patients had increased rapidly ’ .
10 For example , an ex gratia payment is not automatically treated as meeting any liability stemming from the basic award .
11 I accept that on the River Creedy the foam comes from effluent discharged from the three sewage treatment works upstream .
12 Next , a story lifted from the Daily Mail about Professor Jerrold Petrofsky 's work in Dayton , Ohio , and the hope it gave to the paralysed PC Philip Olds .
13 The creation of the Comintern gave them an opportunity to exclude from the Labour Party , for the first time , Marxists who wished to join it .
14 Some of these are essentially historical : the interest developed in part as a reaction or antidote to Chomsky 's treatment of language as an abstract device , or mental ability , dissociable from the uses , users and functions of language ( an abstraction that Chomsky in part drew from the post-Bloomfieldian structuralism that predominated immediately before transformational generative grammar ) .
15 In these circumstances those of us who have benefited from the excellence of Somerville and Oxford must surely do what we can to ensure that future generations may also have the opportunity to benefit from the privileged education that we enjoyed .
16 There is provision for the GAL to be separately represented if their recommendation differs from the young person , and if they are of sufficient age and understanding to instruct the solicitor themselves ( the GAL will advise solicitors about this ) .
17 The adverts are expected to reach 6.3 million readers in that period , a figure calculated from the audited circulation of each publication .
18 The urgency of the Czech art establishment 's task is not helped by cloying , centralising bureaucracy : when an English-language Prague newspaper requested a photograph of a Schiele drawing from the National Gallery 's collection , it was told to send a formal request to the director , Mr Slavicek .
19 More often than not Ma starts me off only to leave me stranded above the waterdragon with my–backside wedged into the Young Person 's Patent Toilet Seat Adaptor ( another trophy won from the WI jumble by Pa ) .
20 In this respect equity differed from the common law .
21 For example , in the case of the wedding ceremony , one of the small ways in which Pul Eliya practice differed from the aristocratic schema described by D'Oyly was that , in Pul Eliya , the washermen were not paid in money but in grain paddy at the end of the year .
22 Asger Jorn 's interest in folk cultures and tribal societies which lacked a notion of ‘ art ’ as a distinct intellectual practice separated from the common culture , was based on an understanding of the extent to which the spheres of art and work have become conflicting practices within bourgeois relations of production .
23 AS FOR the government 's negotiating strategy , Harkabi forecast that nothing would scare the ‘ extremists ’ like a readiness to talk from the other side .
24 but she had , they have to have a fence built from the back garden , because there 's , there 's an opening from the back garden and it 's onto the drive and then it 's onto the road , even though it is a quiet road
25 The softly spoken command came from the third man , who had remained silent until now .
26 Part of the confusion came from the unworthy pleasure given him by the prospect of holding onto his ward a little longer .
27 The doors stayed open but no murmur came from the other room .
28 Now twenty-four important windows dated 1655–57 from the parish church in De Rijp , an affluent village of whalers and ship builders near the north Holland coast dating from the seventeenth century , are suffering from the effects of humidity and air pollution .
29 Ayesha reintroduces the central figure reborn from the apparent death at the end of She and now the sole survivor of the cult of Isis , living in a volcanic mountain fortress , this time in Tibet , and with some difficulty holding her power against a wild tribe in the valley , partly consisting of survivors from Alexander 's army , under the control of Queen Atene , who proves to be a reincarnation of the Egyptian princess , Amenartas , beloved of Kallikrates .
30 Arnside Tower , a prominent hillside landmark dating from the 14th Century
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