Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] to [det] [noun sg] on " in BNC.

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1 the historical biography of the relationship between carer and cared for : how far was it possible for people with a long history on one particular level to relate to each other on a level of physical intimacy , faced with the disgust that caring often demands .
2 Government spending is determined by government policy and investment depends to some extent on the rate of interest ( which for now does not appear in the model ) and businessmen 's expectations .
3 We have already indicated that investment depends to some extent on the rate of interest and businessmen 's expectations , government spending depends on government policy and exports depend largely on incomes overseas .
4 I think my first point is that the answer to your question depends to some extent on what population what demographic forecasts prove to be most likely .
5 You have n't ans answered my question Mr Chairman , I asked you why did the Council vote to this museum on the Norfolk enquired by trust which to be given you by the Suffolk Authority Wild Life Trust
6 In this chapter we are concerned with key aspects of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 , an Act based to some extent on the report of a Royal Commission under the chairmanship of Sir Cyril Philips .
7 Er the Noble Lord is not in a position to say that the overwhelming erm number of parents support not going grant maintained , because until this year , until the new Act of Parliament er came into place , er not all parents were given an opportunity to answer that question er it is now er necessary for every single governing body to return to that question on an annual basis .
8 Chad announced that on Oct. 30 , 1989 , its troops had killed at least 600 members of the so-called Libyan Islamic Legion and had destroyed an important military base belonging to that force on the Sudan-Chad border .
9 The degree of formal organisation given to the media information service depends to some extent on the size of your organisation or , for a consultancy , on the size of the fee extracted from the client .
10 Being involved at Wembley that time whetted my appetite to get to that stage on a more important basis .
11 While recognising that successful sexual relations in later life depended to some extent on earlier satisfactory sexual expression the study known as the Starr-Weiner Report ( Starr and Bakur-Weiner , 1982 ) confirmed that ‘ Older adults are interested in sex , think about it , desire it , engage in it with the same frequency that Kinsey reported for forty year-olds . ’
12 Success depends to some extent on your class of motor .
13 Gandhi only began to undertake serious fasts — that is , fasts where there was a danger to his life , as opposed to brief fasts for purposes of spiritual discipline or penance — after he had established a reputation for sanctity and a large following based to some extent on that reputation .
14 The litter born to this bitch on 24 July 1975 was the first to be whelped in New Zealand .
15 In any field of employment a successful application depends to some degree on the applicant 's being seen to say and do what is expected during the selection process , and to this extent conventional selection methods can always be faulted for the way they may presume that words uttered on a form or in an interview are reliable indicators of future performance .
16 Both Jay and Dionne had spent many a dawn listening to each other on the latest One and Only .
17 Her own prosperity depended to some degree on providing loans to stimulate overseas economies in which her own products could be sold .
18 Whether these groups work for or against the interests of the company depends to some extent on the type of supervision they get .
19 Siting the chimney , for which planning permission will be required , is still all important for it to be effective , as the release of pollutants into the atmosphere depends to some extent on the topography of the site .
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