Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] it out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He was busy in the bottom of the second punt , and when he climbed out of it he cut the rope securing the first punt with his sword , and then used his foot to launch it out across the water .
2 It seems as if the reason that IBM UK Ltd could n't get any cash from its parent to bail it out at the end of last year and reportedly was told to go factor its receivables , is that IBM Corp was too busy bailing out IBM Deutschland GmbH .
3 It seems as if the reason that IBM UK Ltd could n't get any cash from its parent to bail it out at the end of last year and reportedly was told to go factor its receivables , is that IBM Corp was too busy bailing out IBM Deutschland GmbH .
4 Richard Cohen , who commissioned the book , said : ‘ I was very glad the judge threw it out at the very first stage .
5 ‘ No need to spell it out over the phone , Harry .
6 Here are , Daddy take it out in the kitchen .
7 It is n't a question of the Director working it out for the Designer .
8 But it was left to Oxford Hawks in the gold shirts and Gloucester City in the red to battle it out for the minor places in a Central South derby .
9 The chance to battle it out with the giants of Europe in the new Champions League , the likes of AC MIlan , Barcelona and Marseille , is a dream , even for veterans like Strachan .
10 I experimented for a while with rudders on drifters , working on the principles of sailing crafts where the vane ( sail ) is set at an angle to the rudder ( submerged stem section ) so that although the wind would blow the vane at the same angle the offset rudder would make the float cut across the surface carrying it out into the lake even though the wind blew along the bank .
11 Okay so we 've got one pizza share it out between the two of us we get ?
12 Once the youngster had grabbed what food remained , the adult pulled it out of the tube and took the food from it .
13 The impulse to take it out of the box and start taking pictures right away can be very strong , and the user-friendliness of these machines is such that it is quite possible to do just that .
14 ‘ It will be a relief to have it out in the open and it will stop all the questions I have been getting about my future , ’ said the 21year-old Nottingham Forest player .
15 Birth brings it out in the open .
16 It was bloated and heavy , and the men gathered on the deck of the boat to receive it had great difficulty lifting it out of the water .
17 He were a remarkable man in his way : he went down a well to clean it out on the day he died .
18 Twenty per cent of the crop is still in the ground and growers are having difficulty digging it out in the wet conditions … so it remains to be seen if the present glut will last .
19 Overall the computational complexity of the system rules it out at the present time for application to the recognition task .
20 In a flash she was off her bed and on her way to have it out with the one man responsible .
21 When you buy a sleeping bag test it out in the shop — put it on the floor , get inside and get the feel of it .
22 The plots , counterplots , dead bodies and other nasty goings-on are laced with a soupçon of romantic interest to take it out of the boys- only category .
23 Adam realized this was not the time to bring it out in the open .
24 ‘ It is n't a question of the Designer working it out for the Director .
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