Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] at the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Throughout the Johannesburg commuter system , all station platforms were divided in half , for Whites and non-Whites respectively , and the trains were similarly divided so that the appropriate part stopped at the relevant stretch of platform .
2 Paige said quickly , heart thumping at the very idea .
3 With the skeg placed at the very back , there is also less chance of spin out .
4 ‘ The Bradys do n't have that much money to scatter at the Royal Hotel . ’
5 His plan was based on the marine lieutenant landing at the Old Quay slipway in the North Harbour and creating a diversion there , while Jones himself landed , undetected it was hoped , on the south foreshore , put the battery there out of action and then , passing round the town , knocked out the North Battery , before joining up with the other party to burn the shipping in both harbours .
6 That I have much more of this world 's goods than Garry will ever have could n't help you to that decision , could it ? ’ he said , and her heart sank at the cynical twist to his mouth and his bitter tone .
7 Mum looks at the proffered phone in a slightly puzzled way .
8 Her heart dropped at the ominous statement .
9 The practitioner travels in all directions , executing various movements , with the final technique ending at the very point where he began .
10 Mr Campbell commented ‘ The most important recent development in ordinary shares was the reverse yield gap which at present stands at the alarming value of 4 ¼%.;
11 The cell developed at the Swiss Federation Institute of Technology in Lausanne superimposes a light-sensitive dye only one molecule thick on a thin layer of titanium dioxide , a commonly used industrial chemical .
12 The superintendent gazed at the blank TV screen before suddenly turning to Franks , her eyes drained of laughter .
13 Despite the recent re-issue of Rewald 's classic monograph , we still lack a true catalogue raisonné , bringing together all the visual and documentary material and engaging with the fundamental issues ; for example , after the sensational exhibition of the Mellon waxes at the National Gallery in Washington in 1991 , there is an even greater need for a study of the relationship of the waxes to the 1,500 or so bronze casts scattered throughout the world ; more understanding of Degas ' techniques and the reproductive processes used by his founder is urgently required ; a consideration of the images themselves , and their place in contemporary sculpture , is conspicuous by its absence ; and , the biggest question of all , the role of these wax figures in the wider oeuvre cries out to be examined .
14 The first person in each team is given a balloon and has to blow it down the room over tape placed at the other end without touching it .
15 Some recent research undertaken at the British Film Institute for a documentary on the history of black people and television has unearthed an interesting fact .
16 The seasoned rockers and cabaret bores at the local pub would appreciate the fact they have travelled up and down the country , playing every decrepit club and hovel on the way .
17 This chapter looks at the existing pattern of UK taxation and the changes that have taken place in recent years .
18 This chapter looks at the limited right of challenge to the validity of an expert 's decision , and explains : ( 1 ) that it is the parties to a contract who get involved in various kinds of court proceedings where the validity of the decision is challenged , and not the expert ( 13.2 ) ; ( 2 ) the grounds for challenge ( 13.3 ) ; ( 3 ) the earlier history of the law of mistake in expert determination ( 13.4 ) ; ( 4 ) more recent developments ( 13.5 ) ; ( 5 ) the current position ( 13.6 ) ; ( 6 ) speaking and non-speaking decisions ( 13.7 ) ; ( 7 ) points of law ( 13.8 ) ; ( 8 ) construction of documents ( 13.9 ) ; ( 9 ) various other aspects of mistake ( 13.10 – 13.13 ) ; and ( 10 ) the future of the doctrine ( 13.14 ) .
19 The profits from Jimmy Campbell 's cleverly-titled book about the Blackpool he has known for more than 45 years will go to the RNLI , and so it is perhaps appropriate that the very first chapter looks at the well-known Bickerstaffe family .
20 ‘ The ideal milieu , ’ says the reply from the WCC , ‘ would be in a Third World country ( where ) the ‘ laboratory ’ for research lies at the very door-step of the academic institution .
21 Charlie is unaware of the spirits alive in him , so that the narrator of the story is frustrated in his attempt to come at the uncluttered account of past lives .
22 THE Court of Appeal has the power to increase Dr Courtney 's seven-year sentence if it feels the term imposed at the Old Bailey is ‘ unduly lenient ’ .
23 As each subsequent requiem repeated the ritual exhibited at the primary mass , the cycle proved an expensive way of praying for the repose of the dead .
24 The results of a long-term study presented at the annual conference of the British Institute of Geographers have shown that the use of sewage sludge as a fertilizer can have damaging effects on the soil that can last for thousands of years .
25 The figure stabbed at the empty air .
26 Brief Ecstasy ( 1937 ) , for example , is a powerful drama centring on a woman who has married her professor and abandoned work for a life ‘ sitting all day knitting jumpers for my husband ’ , who is then thrown into a whirlpool of desire when her one-time lover arrives at the marital home .
27 An attempt to look at the overall picture was made by the Royal Commission on Legal Services : its recommendations were widely criticised and largely ignored .
28 My youngest son , Joseph , is very interested in history , and we are going to Hue to look at the Imperial City and watch the emperor perform the traditional ceremonies of Tet . "
29 With this in mind he has established a small scientific strategic and research programme to look at the analytical programme from a broader perspective .
30 There had been a cancellation so two seats would be available on a Tarom flight five days hence with a Romanian Automobile Club hire car waiting at the other end .
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