Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] from [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He watched her dab her cheeks , then wipe her eyes , his heart torn from him by the tiny shudder she gave .
2 When Simon the Trapper parted from him on the great north ride the Friar loosened the rope that girdled his waist , dragged up his gown a score of inches to free the movement of his lower legs , re-tied his girdle tightly , wiped his hands on the none too clean garment and taking hold of his staff set off up the highway in pursuit of his sack , of Marian , and of the verderers .
3 He felt at rest , the dark weight of tension lifted from him by the woman .
4 One part of the project was of course specifically concerned with creating a core of schools and the dissemination of good practice derived from them in the inservice education and training of teachers ( Objective 4 ) .
5 ‘ I have n't any serious plans to marry him , if that 's what you 're asking , ’ she told him as levelly as she could , and had the hardest work in the world in hanging on to her temper when his glance flicked from her through the open door into her sitting-room .
6 Mr. Back Q.C. , for the appellant , contended that if Mr. Occhi consented to the appellant taking the £6 , he consented to the property in the money passing from him to the appellant and that the appellant had not , therefore , appropriated property belonging to another .
7 As they came up , Meredith was surprised at the amount of body-heat coming from them in the low outside temperature .
8 The prosecutor 's pretrial dossier , which contains a substantial input by the police , has a considerable influence on the outcome of the case since the judge works from it at the trial in developing the case and examining witnesses and accused alike .
9 He saw , as though some wall painting had come to life before his eyes , the glitter of steel and the minute clusters of rainbow colours just moving over the crest of one rise , to descend into the next bowl ; and riding towards them , negligently like men out hawking , he saw a smaller group , no more than half a dozen mounted men , who had been until this moment hidden from them by the lie of the land .
10 She noticed the way his chest heaved , the rivers of desire flowing from him across the room to burn her body with unbearable heat .
11 For instance , in a dry country , animals and plants work to maintain the fluid content of their cells , work against a natural tendency for water to flow from them into the dry outside world .
12 The sides of the crater were made as secure as possible and the hole leading from it to the underground workings was fully exposed and kept clear .
13 Shelling , apparently from Muslim positions , also rained down on the airport , hub of the international relief airlift for the besieged capital , and closed the road leading from it into the city , UN officials said .
14 Team Costa Rica were openly demoralised and reduced to tears by their disqualification and Cafe Britt had any chance of success stolen from them with the retirement of an injured team member .
15 Before the side-car receded from her along the straight avenue , she observed a gun case ( sometimes Anderson shot the bogs with Dada ) , a rod case , and a bulging Gladstone bag tied together in the space ( called the well ) situated between the opposite wings of the sidecar .
16 What 's the main thing missing from it at the moment ?
17 ‘ By adding up the days migraine stole from me in the past , I calculate that I shall be able to enjoy living for three extra weeks in a year ! ’
18 A typical example is of the large , London-based public company with a warehouse in South Wales where obsolete stock was not properly stored one Friday evening and radioactive material drained from it into the local river .
19 In two modern cases , however , it has been held that so long as the donor has done all he needs to do , the beneficial interest passes from him to the donee .
20 A recipe for it or a description of this beguiling dish of peppers , onions , tomatoes and eggs appears in every one of his books , even down to the booklet commissioned from him by the Romary biscuit firm and which sold for sixpence .
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