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1 Meanwhile on May 29 the National Assembly approved an economic recovery plan drawn up by a newly appointed economic adviser , Alassane Ouattara , president of the West African Central Bank , in conjunction with the IMF and World Bank .
2 Not now , not next year but in the next twenty years so there are a problem with schools , there are problems , I think , with changing leisure habits er people , the way that people take their leisure has changed over the last twenty years and not always have clubs , organizations and sailing schools taken account of that in , in their programme , especially with youngsters and I have to say I also believe there is apathy in some clubs and other organizations , not every club has an active youth sailing scheme and I believe that any club that does n't either must be extremely popular because of its er prices of beer or , or some other reason or it may not exist perhaps in twenty years ' time , so I think it 's an ext extremely important topic brought about by the maybe , without being melodramatic , some of the stuff that we 're reading in the papers about youngsters these days but looking at it from a purely selfish sailing point of view if we 're to get more youngsters into the sport even if we 're to hold our ground we 've got to make a big effort over , over this year and , and it 's important make sure that it runs on for future years .
3 But mostly it was directed towards herself , and whatever it was in her that seemed to respond to some call given out by the least suitable of men ; despite what she 'd been through in the past couple of years she appeared to have learned precisely nothing .
4 This increase in private care may reflect both the financial incentives to increase the number of places available and an increased demand for care brought about by an increasingly frail population and the decreased availability of domiciliary services .
5 In an economic sense , modernity is characterized by highly rationalized industrial production , complex technological infrastructure , and a substantial degree of bureaucratized administrative and service activity [ with ] food production carried out by an increasingly small , but productive , agricultural sector .
6 Another seldom-mentioned change in the Polish standard of living is the increase in dollar purchasing-power brought about by the newly stable zloty .
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