Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [adv prt] at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The wind was blowing hard at the Highlanders ' faces , according to the literature given out at the Culloden Visitors ' Centre , and the two armies were in position at one o'clock , approximately four to five hundred yards apart .
2 The princess , in a royal purple suit-dress , pushed on in front to sign the visitors ' book while the prince wandered off at the end , leaving his wife in his wake .
3 Inside were two fairly small square rooms , one each side of the front door , with a roomy kitchen built on at the back .
4 She was looking particularly uncompromising today , tired and pale , her dark , short hair spiking up at the back .
5 It was just before midnight and she was out on the terrace , staring out only half seeingly at the star-spangled horizon , when she heard the sound of a car drawing up at the front of the house .
6 Both Pen and Ferdinando rushed in immediately the carriage drew up at the door and wonderful was the reunion ; then within the hour the kindest of notes came from Mrs Browning begging her to find the time and energy to visit whenever she was able .
7 The workforce at Linton and Hirst 's is to be cut by one third despite a two million pound investment programme carried out at the company in July .
8 The libraries have been designed on the basis of research carried out at the University under the auspices of a Department of Trade & Industry programme , and include temporal functions to monitor the start and stopping time of shares , financial risk calculation and probability functions .
9 The libraries have been designed on the basis of research carried out at the University under the auspices of a Department of Trade & Industry programme , and include temporal functions to monitor the start and stopping time of shares , financial risk calculation and probability functions .
10 A notable exception to this consensus in the early literature that madness and creativeness are frequently connected is a study carried out at the beginning of the century by Havelock Ellis .
11 A study carried out at the University of California in Berkeley compared woman who maintained 20 per cent weight loss over two years with dieters who relapsed .
12 A study carried out at the Army Personnel Research Establishment ( APRE ) in Farnborough simulated wartime conditions for ten soldiers , who were required to defend a position during a tactical exercise lasting ten days .
13 A friend and I were driving in spring to Crarae gardens near Inveraray so I could salivate over the rhododendrons , but we grew tired of travelling at seven miles an hour behind clods in caravans and on reaching the Rest And Be Thankful pulled into the side to wander about at the base of Beinn an Lochain .
14 POPPET GREEN , in whose studio Basil Seal wakes up at the beginning of Evelyn Waugh 's Put Out More Flags , was , we learn , a remarkably silly girl .
15 I flicked the tape machine on at the point where I 'd suggested to Joe that he had swapped sides , from the analytical guitar teacher to being the very subject of such analysis himself .
16 ‘ They know that if they lose this one , then a gap opens up at the top .
17 You remember that night was pretty dark , so I could n't have seen if there was a boat tied up at the jetty .
18 The Blumenthalstrasse address turned out to be one of the shoeboxes , a five-storey block of flats with the staircase and lift-shaft stuck on at the side of a column of frosted-glass bricks .
19 The expected violence broke out at the news of his death .
20 Indeed , if you are lucky , on a clear day you might just be able to see the spring bubbling up at the bottom of the pond .
21 However , according to Dave Ball — who was European Marketing Director for Artisoft at the time but has now switched camps to take up the same role at Performance — the deal fell through at the end of last year .
22 The superintendent looked up at the SOCO , posing the question like a doctor checking the symptoms of a sickly patient .
23 The mysterious figure stared down at the tomb and then turned .
24 When that white light comes down at the end
25 It 's the fourth year running that the Tudor Manor is playing host to a mini opera season in the three hundred seater auditorium set up at the side of the house .
26 ‘ Look , ’ said his Mum looking back at the house .
27 At times the supporting leg would bend when on balance , whilst the working one was also bent with the foot turned up at the ankle during certain poses , or when performing a rond de jambe en dehors or en dedans during the pas de deux .
28 Craig Grenfell stood on the hilltop looking down at the scene in the graveyard below .
29 Across the road to the butcher 's where they looked in the window to see back at the reflection of Hogan 's Outfitters and realise that Sean Walsh had gone back inside to the empire that would one day be his .
30 The hedgehog peered up at the dog .
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