Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [adv prt] in the [num] " in BNC.

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1 The current machinery broadly follows the framework of collective bargaining laid down in the 1980 Workers ' Statute .
2 The friendship broke off in the 1880s .
3 Before the property boom took off in the 1970s there were still cheap flats around in London .
4 The majority of information on coffin types comes as a result of the recent introduction of funerary studies in archaeology and vault examinations — much from work carried out in the 1980s at such places as Christchurch , Spitalfields , at Hinton St George , Somerset , and Withyham , Sussex — where opportunities arose to study at first hand coffins dating from the sixteenth century to the present day .
5 Peace came about in the 1680s through Teleut exhaustion .
6 Even as a child growing up in the Fifties , she and her sister , Marlene , preferred to spend their sixpence pocket money on animal welfare classes run by a local RSPCA inspector rather than go to the cinema .
7 There are over 50,000 Vietnamese in what used to be the GDR brought over in the Eighties as Gastarbeiter ( guest workers ) to do menial factory jobs .
8 In Europe the craze for motoring took off in the twenties and thirties , helped in 1931 by the launching of the first cross-Channel ferry specifically designed to carry cars and their passengers .
9 The Child Poverty Action Group , a pressure group set up in the 1960s , urged governments to deal with this problem by increasing family allowances .
10 Maybe partners will come to feel that schools will respond better to the aims of education set out in the 1988 Education Act if they are not tied to curricula based on the traditional subjects alone .
11 As long ago as 1970 , the Coldstream-Summerson Report reflected the growing concern about vocational courses and suggested they be recognized so that they became design ‘ technician ’ courses along the lines of the definition laid down in the 1969 Haslegrave Report .
12 And then my mother and father came down in the four bed when we moved to ninety five in the four bedroom yes , they brought their bedroom suite down with them .
13 Clauses 84 to 92 carry over and develop the arrangements for valuation set out in the 1991 Act and provide for changes to be made in lists to take account , for example , of new properties and appeals against taxation .
14 It can now be seen that the sum of constant capital used up in the two departments during the production cycle is less than the total means of production produced by Dept .
15 Thoughts on women and politics generally tended to emerge on an ad hoc basis as a by-product of empirical studies into voting behaviour and political participation carried out in the 1950s and 60s .
16 Even the native polyphonic villancico died out in the 1560s , as the solo form with vihuela did a decade or so later .
17 That church blew down in the nineteen thirty two hurricane .
18 However , the present author is one of those who has doubts as to how far this possibility would be used : the protocol on Social policy refers to continuing ‘ along the path laid down in the 1989 Social Charter ’ ( also signed by eleven Member States ) .
19 The existing LFA boundaries are based largely on a line drawn up in the 1940s and hardly modified since .
20 Roman troops as such scarcely appear after the first decade of the fifth century in any source , except the Notitia Dignitatum , which appears to be an idealized list drawn up in the 420s , and not a statement of the reality of the imperial fighting forces .
21 It is difficult to obtain accurate figures from the wilder , more snake-ridden parts of the world , such as Africa , Asia and South America , but an attempt at a global survey carried out in the 1950s gave a total world figure of thirty thousand deaths annually from all forms of snakebite .
22 Tories opposed the new credit system set up in the 1690s not because they objected to this type of economic enterprise , but because the benefits to be accrued from it largely passed them by .
23 All processing and refining of mine output is now carried out in South Africa and its management vested in Matthey Rustenburg Refiners ( MRR ) , a company set up in the 1960's by Johnson Matthey and RPM .
24 These arguments then lead us to support the third of the options for change set out in the 1992 Green Paper .
25 There is not the space here for a detailed examination of the regime laid down in the 1981 Act and the Education ( Special Educational Needs ) Regulations 1983 , as amended .
26 That structure of international regulation broke down in the 1970s and has been followed by a period of instability where it is uncertain whether US hegemony can be re-established or whether a different mode of regulation under Japanese or European domination will be constructed .
27 This market grew up in the 1950s when the local authorities began to raise money for capital projects by issuing bills and bonds , and by raising loans .
28 Professor Breen has suggested that the American consumer market took off in the 1740s .
29 Once the notice has been served , the tenant has the right to apply to the Court for a new general lease and the Court will grant a new lease of up to 14 years unless the landlord objects on one of the few grounds for objection set out in the 1954 Act .
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