Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [to-vb] the [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 This is not easy , however , because the male has to build the nest and guard his partner at the same time .
2 However , the Chairman moved to close the school and transfer the children to Green Haven , and this motion carried 16 to 7 .
3 Work on the first stage in MURRAYFIELD 's redevelopment , building stands to replace the north and south terracing , will begin immediately after Scotland 's final home match in the Five Nations ' Championship , the game against France on March 7 .
4 It is here that the polymer scientist needs to manipulate the cross-link and backbone structure , while maintaining the same water content , to limit deformation under eyelid load to around 5 per cent , with good elastic recovery .
5 As the wheels skidded on the edge of the precipice a storm tried to hurl the coach and her family down the mountainside .
6 This is because much of the central district in Somoza 's time collapsed in the massive 1972 earthquake : Somoza and his clique embezzled most of the international aid given to rebuild the city and so its central area remained in ruins .
7 The Library Association sought to clarify the matter and thereby safeguard the librarians ' position , and sponsored an amendment which was put forward by Lord Peston in the House of Lords .
8 The other person in the cell tried to smother the flames and suffered superficial damage to his hands as a result of that .
9 Nobody in this business is infallible , but if something does go wrong , the customer must know that the contractor has the technical resources and financial muscle to put it right ; just as that contractor needs to have the resources and skilled manpower to tackle any infestation , and be neither too big to care nor too small to cope .
10 The dive-bombing skuas , the screaming terns , the lovely trilling whimbrel and dunlin and the wailing divers , all are silent and will be seen and heard no more until spring arrives to warm the earth and banish the snows of winter .
11 Note that the rate of deceleration can be significantly faster than the acceleration , because the load torque tends to retard the system and the motor is able to develop more decelerating than accelerating torque ( Section 5.2.2 ) .
12 In relation to defences , Ord 9 , r 7 states that a defence means any document which shows that the defendant desires to dispute the whole or any part of the plaintiff 's claim .
13 A High Court action needs to be a team effort between the client and his solicitor and barrister , otherwise the action tends to run the client and not the other way round .
14 Accordingly , from the mid-1970s , research began to examine the perception and behaviour of individuals , and then to develop general conceptual and theoretical research , in a shift from the ‘ inductive ’ to the ‘ scientific ’ route shown in Figure I. I. Smith ( 1983 ) in another recent summary broadly agrees with Owens , and divides his textbook Recreation Geography into a four-stage continuum from description , to explanation , to prediction and finally to policy formulation .
15 The expenditure was justified by the argument that the newspaper industry existed to vilify the GLC and the rest of the left , and that the public was being denied the chance to hear the other side .
16 The study aims to explore the nature and patterning of the variation in foreign language achievement in secondary schools as it relates to earlier first language development .
17 The research aims to assess the extent and ways in which such companies have restructured their activities in response to the volatile international economy of the last fifteen years .
18 Rather than advocating new surveys , the research aims to improve the quality and range of information obtained using existing surveys and survey methods .
19 The research aims to document the nature and extent of these changes based on detailed survey work in a number of UK motor and component manufacturers .
20 The research aims to examine the processes and structures which influence the production of science information in the mass media , and to provide a systematic analysis of the extent and nature of images of science across different media and genres .
21 This research aims to explore the origins and implementation of a politically sensitive policy in the context of other recent initiatives which were intended to enhance the quality of educational choice .
22 The research aims to identify the decisions and practices which constitute rational management in two police Forces that have explicitly adopted such rational management models but which differ in approach and method of implementation .
23 The research aims to develop the work and findings of an earlier project ( Bardon and Stothers 1982 ) by :
24 Many of the amendments tabled by the Opposition fail to recognise the duties and regulatory powers in existing legislation and in the licences .
25 Thus did the monastery come to run the valley and to create a classic example of a Pyrenean ‘ pastoral state ’ .
26 Beyond were the mountains where rebel artillery waited to shell the city and the cool blue sea with loyalist naval batteries pounding the coast .
27 This is largely because , once incorporated into the academy , this study had to adopt the values and principles of the academy , and develop as the institution developed .
28 This study seeks to assess the role and impact of such interventions on the competitive orientation of firms within one local particular economy .
29 Using both national data and more detailed information on the operation of the Scheme in particular local areas , the study seeks to assess the costs and benefits of the Scheme in relation to the claims made by its advocates and critics during the controversy surrounding its introduction .
30 This research proposes to investigate the nature and extent of the social segregation of the male long-term unemployed in Hartlepool , a town currently experiencing an official male unemployment rate of 21.3% .
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