Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [pers pn] in [art] same " in BNC.

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1 It would be a disservice to Denis Law to mention him in the same breath as some of Scotland 's more notorious hell-raisers .
2 MIPS claims all RISC chips offer roughly the same performance and that its R4400 96 SPECint89 score puts it in the same league as HP , distinguished by its significantly lower price and wide availability .
3 The war boar is a dangerous beast whose charge puts him in the same category as a fully armoured , lance-armed knight .
4 Its position beside Musgrave Street police station puts it in the same difficult position as many old buildings beside security installations .
5 For the present it would be advisable not to report such allegations without giving the person defamed an opportunity to refute them in the same report .
6 Apart from the shock that her GP saw her in the same light as his aged mother , Marie has never looked back .
7 Shedding their skin puts them in the same position as Jane Austen 's heroes , prematurely aged by the treacherous sun of the West Indies . ’
8 Of course , the fact that you have written a computer program that will do what an animal does is no proof that the animal does it in the same way .
9 The romance of the French Foreign Legion struck me in the same way , and especially the exhibits from Kolwezi and Chad , where there were photographs of camouflaged paras with shaved heads and sunglasses helping starving babies .
10 You will notice that some creatures have names that are difficult to distinguish from one another ( not all are as pleasantly obvious as ‘ hippopotamus ’ ) , which is why it is important for you to read the list first and for the PP to say them in the same order to start with .
11 Until recently , such wavelengths have been ignored because neutral hydrogen absorbs it in the same way fog absorbs visible light .
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