Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [pers pn] in [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Defoe mentions it in his Northern Tour , 1724 .
2 Grief hit me in its fullest force much later .
3 As the Local Government Chronicle put it in its leading article of 1 November : ’ To introduce poll tax is a mistake , to bring in council tax is a disaster . ’
4 So instead of renting out the planes from the Blue Max museum , the team came up with a plan to use them in their own production .
5 The fate awaiting someone pitched from his horse in such a place might be blood-poisoning , ‘ being dreadfully venom 'd by rolling in slake ’ , as William Hall put it in his nineteenth-century fen doggerel .
6 The law had them in her cloudy embrace and was spilling out of their eyes and lips her deathly must .
7 For much of the last couple of decades , he has been living in France , where he is accorded a reverence denied him in his native country .
8 DAVID CAMPESE , whose genius inspired Australia to the world title 12 months ago , is on course to help them in their 1995 defence .
9 [ 12 ] Most dog owners have had the misfortune to see it in their own pets in a dog fight .
10 ‘ Then let me tell you that you have no right to include me in your sordid games .
11 Even in making oneself more aware in preparation for a choice , it will be enough that one can identify which would be the relatively stronger inclination in the fullest attainable awareness ; there will be no need to experience it in its full intensity or to prolong it after the choice .
12 ‘ Maybe there will be someone to fill Lineker 's shoes in years to come but at the moment the replacements must be given a chance to do it in their own time . ’
13 Often he would send for Cranmer in the night to reassure him in his religious doubts and difficulties .
14 Corbett pushed the meat through and watched the leading dog seize it in his huge jaws , throwing it up and devouring it , the blood streaming down his black , slavering mouth .
15 The rose is one of our national flowers and this month sees it in its full glory .
16 We need people each month to help us in our lively , action-packed office .
17 And if we look at the planets of our solar system , lo and behold , every single one of them is travelling at exactly the right velocity to keep it in its stable orbit around the Sun .
18 ‘ My father tells me in his latest letter that Hester and the baby are doing well , ’ she informed Ruth .
19 Thankfully , she allowed the revolving door to take her in its firm embrace and deposit her in the hall .
20 We expect the Islamic nation to support us in our latest struggle which we are carrying out in order to preserve the interests of the whole Islamic world .
21 The policy is to educate pupils to cope with the technology and give them the opportunity to exploit it in their future work and leisure .
22 This research indicated that I should be able to obtain my tank , complete with cover glasses , for , though I might have manages even cheaper if I had asked someone who was a good customer of the tank-builder to order it in his own name rather than mine .
23 This is not , in fact , the best time of year to see them in their full glory , but you will appreciate , sir , that with the arrival of spring , we will see a change — a very special sort of change — in these surroundings . ’
24 ( Two of us ) have just simply had to find time to do it in our own time .
25 Apart from indicating status , each church represents perhaps the most important local focal place for any settlement , and we might spend a lot of time studying it in our local research .
26 Joshua Cohen had long ago recognised that Jacob would never make a businessman and had quickly abandoned his dream of having his son join him in his scrap-iron store .
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