Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [pers pn] [vb infin] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In The Hitch-hiker 's Guide to the Galaxy the author , Douglas Adams , describes a planet inhabited by a race of hyperintelligent pan-dimensional beings who build a hyperintelligent computer to help them come up with the answer to Life , the Universe and Everything .
2 To get back to what method did they come up with ?
3 Something in his voice made her look up at him .
4 A noisily closing door made them glance up at the ship 's sunlit bridge .
5 That 's for that other dodgy board did they ring up about
6 What the hell did you get up for ?
7 Try processing all the relevant information contained in the problem to help you come up with one plausible explanation .
8 What year did you end up with ?
9 Not much danger of his Commander letting him slip up on that , he thought drily .
10 So if you 've to be half past nine there , what time do you need up at ?
11 And oddly enough one of my friends asked me only yesterday when he said what 's on your programme for next week , he said how on earth do you keep up to date ?
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