Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] its [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Weakly she willed him not to , but if he sensed her resistance he ignored it , his mouth tantalising her with its warm desirability .
2 The familiar waste-land of the empty auditorium engulfed him with its seedy , oppressive presence .
3 Grief hit me in its fullest force much later .
4 As the Local Government Chronicle put it in its leading article of 1 November : ’ To introduce poll tax is a mistake , to bring in council tax is a disaster . ’
5 He buried his face against her throat , his mouth tormenting her with its lazy progress down towards the swell of her breasts , and she arched up , silently begging for his caress .
6 As it goes to do so , the bug stabs it with its dagger-shaped mouth-parts .
7 They spent an additional £45,000 on renovating it — although the beacon needs more work to restore it to its former glory .
8 One coach only needs a small amount of work to restore it to its original condition , but the other requires extensive work .
9 Formerly a private hotel , it has needed only a little work to convert it to its new use .
10 Current ideas of the structure of water visualize it as being composed of a random network of molecules linked together by hydrogen bonds ( Figure 7 ) , some of which are strained or even broken , but with a general structure not unlike that which is found in ordinary ice , also known as hexagonal ice to distinguish it from its variant form , cubic ice , which is formed at lower temperatures .
11 Even in making oneself more aware in preparation for a choice , it will be enough that one can identify which would be the relatively stronger inclination in the fullest attainable awareness ; there will be no need to experience it in its full intensity or to prolong it after the choice .
12 Then , to her everlasting shame , a new and totally unexpected sensation found its way into her consciousness , so devastating , so unlike anything she had ever experienced before , as her body betrayed her with its instant response .
13 Two speechless simian Servitors attended him , one to ingest his waste and cleanse him , the other to nourish him with its own enriched blood and shift his cart from window to window — from which he gazed out , praying for an exploration vessel of his Chapter to pass this way .
14 But she was still meditating for hours and waiting for the voice of the flat to inform her of its favoured colour scheme .
15 Oh ! hear me witness that my heart is set on higher things ; it would sail into far seas unvisited of man , but always there is this anchor of the flesh chaining it to its native shore . ’
16 The rose is one of our national flowers and this month sees it in its full glory .
17 And if we look at the planets of our solar system , lo and behold , every single one of them is travelling at exactly the right velocity to keep it in its stable orbit around the Sun .
18 It should be collected primarily because government needs it for its own businesses . ’
19 The National Assembly elects a 31-member Council of State to represent it between its twice-yearly ordinary sessions ; the President of the Council of State is the head of state .
20 The National Assembly elects from its members a 31-member Council of State to represent it between its twice-yearly ordinary sessions ; the President of the Council of State is the head of state .
21 Thankfully , she allowed the revolving door to take her in its firm embrace and deposit her in the hall .
22 Or , third , Britain could conclude that modern weapons are simply too costly for any single country of its size to make them on its own — and could stick to international joint ventures in future .
23 If approached by a predator , the crab confronts it with its outstretched claws bearing the stinging anemones , rather as primitive man might have held a wolf at bay by using a flaming torch .
24 Since intra-plate volcanicity is linked to effectively stationary sub-lithospheric thermal anomalies , there is only a limited amount of time available for a volcano to develop before plate motion removes it from its underlying region of crustal melting and source of magma generation ( Fig. 5.3 ) .
25 At that moment , a warning pressure reminded him of its menacing presence .
26 The piece of stone or the log of wood selected is treated in an elaborate manner in order to divest it of its inert nature and to infuse into it the power to contain the divine image .
27 The opportunities for successfully re-using a structure to which it is necessary to make major modifications in order to suit it to its new task are small , even with ironwork of exceptionally good quality .
28 It was one of those cosmic accidents which are no accident , that the next day , when she called in at a bookshop to look for some more Morris titles , she should find on the same shelf the total output of Professor M. L. Vaughan ; and among the rest his : Aurae Phiala : A Pleasure City of the Second Century A.D. She took it down and opened it at random , and the prose caught her by its incandescent fervour .
29 She had dabbed powder over her lipstick to rob it of its bright crimson lustre , and she had forgotten the little pink patches of rouge that gave her cheeks their rosy healthy glow .
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