Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [pers pn] [adv] at [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Then Kurt has to shell out a considerable amount of money , maybe $25,000 , for the first class plane seats so that Courtney can fly home lying down and a specially appointed ambulance to pick her up at LA airport .
2 Dana went on with his friend to see her off at Le Havre , while I made my way to London , where I was joined by Dana a few days later .
3 She was not feeling in the least cheerful however when the taxi dropped her off at Ven 's home .
4 I 've made a reservation on the Pan Am flight in the morning , and there 'll be a limo to pick you up at Kennedy .
5 I got leave to see him off at Euston .
6 ‘ Do you think the crane lifted her on at Kinshasa ? ’ whispers Joseph .
7 However they still have good players — Zlatko Vujovic , Stojkovic and Susic for example — and England will have an opportunity to check them out at Wembley next week .
8 The ankle strain kept him out at Blackburn and has restricted his training .
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