Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Strapped for cash , he hurried inside and bartered for sex by handing over the silver watch given him by his sick father .
2 May I take this opportunity to thank you for your continuing support of the Society .
3 Weakly she willed him not to , but if he sensed her resistance he ignored it , his mouth tantalising her with its warm desirability .
4 The tendency to render horrific incidents of this sort into funny tales or ‘ atrocity stories ’ ( Dingwall 1977 ) , told ritualistically within the occupational culture of the station , is a further attempt to strip them of their emotional hold .
5 For the first time in his life Karelius realized how narrow was the gap separating him from his pagan ancestors , the Germanic warriors of a thousand years before .
6 A runaway horse takes her to her ancestral home , and her past unfolds .
7 Finally his eye was caught by the billowing of Izzie 's blue dress , as the wind pressed it against her thin , flat-chested body .
8 The familiar waste-land of the empty auditorium engulfed him with its seedy , oppressive presence .
9 Defoe mentions it in his Northern Tour , 1724 .
10 It is a pleasure to welcome you to our Open Day .
11 As the Local Government Chronicle put it in its leading article of 1 November : ’ To introduce poll tax is a mistake , to bring in council tax is a disaster . ’
12 When the young are older , able to run with her , the vixen shepherds them to their new home , induces them to move in and somehow makes sure that they are disciplined enough to stay underground in this new home even when she is not with them .
13 As I escorted Marinka to the Oasis Arena in the torrential rain , the scene of mimose reminded me of my halcyon days at .
14 He never reacted hostilely to any such suggestion , except to say to me that she was difficult enough in a friendly association and matters might be worse ( his own words ) if he took any action to remove her from his political scene .
15 He buried his face against her throat , his mouth tormenting her with its lazy progress down towards the swell of her breasts , and she arched up , silently begging for his caress .
16 As it goes to do so , the bug stabs it with its dagger-shaped mouth-parts .
17 One coach only needs a small amount of work to restore it to its original condition , but the other requires extensive work .
18 One of the main carriers of the disease was found to be in milk and that 's why today tuberculin tested dairy provide us with our daily pinta .
19 ‘ No , ’ he said , a soft laugh escaping him at her obvious embarrassment .
20 In England , possibly as a result of the Continental view , rumours arose that the Great Fire occurred as a result of acts by ‘ papists ’ and the King ( who had married Catherine , the daughter of the King of Portugal in 1662 ) had to combat the ugly anti-Catholic mood of Londoners and Parliament , particularly when another rumour arose of a plot to overthrow him for his Roman Catholic brother , the Duke of York .
21 The girl watched him through her pretty , almond eyes .
22 Formerly a private hotel , it has needed only a little work to convert it to its new use .
23 A warm welcome awaits you with our personal attention , friendly atmosphere and tasty cooking to ensure a happy stay .
24 But typical Mansell courage and skill took him past his arch rival … and with Patrasse in the pits it was left to Mansell to claim victory … only just though on a set of well worn and blistered tyres .
25 On this basis he maintains that these adults should not be seen ‘ as agents of social control repressing the young — as reductionist social history might suggest — but as agents of socialization preparing them for their future roles as citizens in a society to which most adolescents gave unthinking and willing allegiance ’ .
26 The fate awaiting someone pitched from his horse in such a place might be blood-poisoning , ‘ being dreadfully venom 'd by rolling in slake ’ , as William Hall put it in his nineteenth-century fen doggerel .
27 The law had them in her cloudy embrace and was spilling out of their eyes and lips her deathly must .
28 For much of the last couple of decades , he has been living in France , where he is accorded a reverence denied him in his native country .
29 So who exactly are the Enforcers , why do they do it and what sort of a hold have they over their fellow MPs ?
30 Current ideas of the structure of water visualize it as being composed of a random network of molecules linked together by hydrogen bonds ( Figure 7 ) , some of which are strained or even broken , but with a general structure not unlike that which is found in ordinary ice , also known as hexagonal ice to distinguish it from its variant form , cubic ice , which is formed at lower temperatures .
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