Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [pron] [prep] the [adv] " in BNC.

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1 His Italian blood attracted him to the most powerful Latins in America , and nobody who knew about his Mafioso connections messed with him .
2 Hall guides us through the far more tortuous path that led Newton to his discoveries and explains why not all his many critics can be dismissed simply as benighted traditionalists .
3 There is a need to recognise and further consider the position of male carers , while not using this issue to deflect us from the more general issues which arise for women through entrenched assumptions that this is their ‘ natural ’ role .
4 Intense hedgerow scents on the bouquet lure you to the gorgeously fruity taste redolent of cassis , but with a slightly grassy note .
5 The intervening years have seen the chip gradually replacing the cathode ray to provide us with the most pervasive and persuasive form of global mass communication .
6 The Home Secretary , Kenneth Clarke had referred to the need to do something about the really persistent , nasty little juvenile offenders .
7 Instantly , she was filled with the need to protect herself from the hopelessly vulnerable way that made her feel .
8 In the heady fire of consummation Gina knew that the aching loneliness which had dogged her throughout her life was finally ended , her own desire rising to match Rune 's as their mutual need drowned them in the remorselessly rising tide of satisfaction .
9 Rather as one might almost unconsciously adjust the position of a book to get the best light from a bedside lamp without ever really thinking of angles and directions , so must the tiger get himself into the most appropriate location vis-a-vis the three-dimensional world of scents known to both himself and his normal prey .
10 I stress that I understand that the regulations will be general and that highway authorities will be given discretion to interpret them in the most appropriate way .
11 On the application so to vary the implied undertaking , the applicants undertaking to the court to hold them for the strictly limited purpose of defending the libel proceedings brought against the applicants by the two reinstated officers , and on the question of the effect of public interest immunity : —
12 In form it is an application at the suit of C.N.L. as a third party for the court to release the appellant from his implied undertaking pursuant to which discovery of the P.C.A. documents was given under the court 's order of 9 July 1991 — released that is to the extent of permitting him to disclose the documents to C.N.L. , they for their part undertaking to the court to hold them for the strictly limited purpose of defending the libel proceedings brought against them by Woodley and Clifford .
13 Milan was one of the first composers to give specific direction on how to perform a piece of music ( 1536 ) and King follows them in the most natural- sounding way .
14 It 's a real test — an opportunity to match yourself against the very best . ’
15 A baby tethered one in the most relentless way , even a mother who was lucky enough to be able to leave her infant in the hands of others .
16 The urge to throw herself on the tormentingly broad shoulder was too humiliating , and instead she stiffened with fresh anger and resentment towards him .
17 The rage incited her to the most positive and extreme action .
18 The same American report into male sexuality that revealed which stimuli men found most ‘ exciting ’ also reported that the following turned them off the most :
19 His Burmese is n't as good as Thubron 's Chinese , but he gets on terms with the locals without patronage , and his wit gets us through the potentially boring bits .
20 A carefully described church tour takes you around the most spectacular church architecture .
21 The Council of the society rewarded him with the much coveted Copley medal for his work on airs and soda water .
22 He continued , ‘ It is incumbent upon the government to refute them in the most absolute detail . ’
23 Eventually a time of fish will be landed so the intricate work of life moves itself into the most unlikely corners of our power stations .
24 As it becomes increasingly unacceptable for the man to remove himself to the predominantly adult male preserve of the pub , leaving wife and children at home , it becomes imperative for outlets to be found which can cater to the demands of the whole family .
25 When Putiatin rapidly proved a dismal failure at the Ministry of Education , the tsar replaced him with the much more enlightened Aleksandr Golovnin .
26 Which in turn brings us to the most remarkable fact of all , namely that so far from corroborating the police 's recent claims , the witnesses they located and interviewed at the time signally failed to mention any suspicious behaviour whatsoever .
27 Quakers breathed a sigh of relief when Fashanu 's right-foot blast took a wicked deflection and floated just past the post when Prudhoe was diving the other way , but he was laughing after 39 minutes when the Darlington defence presented him with the most embarrassing gift of the season .
28 Now she was waiting for the food to reach her at the rapidly expanding camp .
29 The Buddhist revival provided opportunities for upwardly-mobile social groups to gain status denied them by the largely Protestant mudaliyar families of the Low Country , but it was also a way for Sinhalese to challenge indirectly apparent British scientific , economic and political superiority .
30 It would give the American parent group a chance to examine his potential at close quarters and at the same time he would be able to undergo some training to prepare him for the more elevated positions he was destined to occupy in future .
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