Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] for an " in BNC.

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1 The disclosure came as the US secretary of state arrived in Egypt at the start of a tour of the Middle East and met President Mubarak and the foreign minister , Amr Moussa , in an attempt to win their support for an early resumption of the suspended peace talks
2 Recognition halted their breath for an instant .
3 Indeed , the left-wing and Communist demands for ‘ All Power to the General Council , ’ in 1924 and 1925 , helped the General Council to strengthen its demand for an ‘ Industrial Alliance ’ .
4 Is there anybody who needs anything other than a piano to do their scale for an A minor key i.e. Tuesday 's homework .
5 FoE reiterated its call for an immediate ban on the use of two herbicides most often found in water , atrazine and simazine .
6 Islamic states interrupted the planned order of speeches and stood up one after the other to back his call for an immediate appeal to the Security Council .
7 And if you have a very small amount of money , and a large number of erm demands on , on that budget , then the last thing you 're going to do , is to spend a lot of money reinforcing your house for an earthquake that may affect your grandchildren and not you .
8 On 19 December 1991 the local authority made their application for an interim care order and I have said what the order was .
9 They were sure only of one thing : that somehow his life explained his stand for an independent Scotland .
10 In a statement on July 22 , the organization renewed its call for an interim government , first made in the Harare Declaration of August 1989 [ see p. 36837 ] .
11 Strathclyde Regional Council , another strong critic of the Touche Ross figures , yesterday issued a statement renewing its call for an independent commission to examine the future of Scottish local government .
12 ‘ We appeal to anyone with an interest in British justice to support our demand for an immediate independent inquiry into the RUC frame-ups and present use of supergrasses , ’ said the CPFJC statement .
13 BRENT ANDERSON from Waikato is not the only foreign player doing his stuff for an Irish club .
14 The Democratic Party repeated its demand for an inquiry , saying it was necessary to establish whether cabinet ministers and the former President , Mr PW Botha , were privy to the murders .
15 A statute called Quia Emptores ( 1290 ) had enacted that whenever a tenant alienated his land for an estate in fee simple , the alienee should hold , not of the alienor , but of the alienor 's lord .
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