Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] for [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 However , despite an apparent dictum to the contrary , the Torquay Hotel principle does not , it is submitted , extend to imposing liability in a case where A has , without any unlawful act , done no more than persuade B to exercise an option open to him under his contract with C , for example , to terminate it by proper notice , for so to hold would be to draw an indefensible distinction between existing , but terminable , relationships and those which are merely prospective , and render it necessary to fall back on the defence of justification in order , for example , lawfully to persuade an employee to change his employment for higher pay .
2 AI research awakens our desire for greater self-understanding ’ .
3 The traditional complaint of consumers — who in Belfast supermarkets this week demonstrated their enthusiasm for cheaper beef — is that they pay twice for the beef mountain .
4 Archie would probably be Wilko 's first choice given his preference for older players , but may settle on the younger version .
5 For example , this theory is incapable of accounting for the phenomenon of redundancies : workers surely do not want to be made redundant in order to indulge their desire for longer holidays .
6 A lengthy list of injury absentees at the weekend underlined his call for further new faces at the club ; youngsters Gary Paterson , Andy Dow , Neil McCann and Paul Ritchie receiving first team calls after Morten Wieghorst , Graham Rix , Jamie McGowan and Gary McKeown were forced to call off .
7 ( As the project has developed , the Coordinating Team has had more confidence in " delaying " a Major award to a school by a year to give it time for further consolidation . )
8 Nevertheless they are constrained from deploying the usual wind-up techniques by their overriding concern to justify their actions and attitudes to someone who disapproved of them but whom they perceived to be in a position to influence their situation for better or worse .
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