Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] for [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The card signifies our regard for you as an important customer who warrants priority attention at our service station .
2 As soon as she had realized that he was making no attempt to disguise his liking for her , she had known that there was no hope .
3 Whatever future plans the young man may have had , fate decided his course for him .
4 In one such festival , her husband shows his love for her by presenting her with a new dress and himself attending to her hairdo and make up .
5 This popular attachment to church festivities persisted well into Elizabeth 's reign , the laity demonstrating their affection for them by vociferously opposing the efforts of godly ministers or town corporations to suppress them .
6 I always come back to the Stones when I think of The Smiths , because of the camp , but mainly because of the way each band illuminates their era for us .
7 ‘ You mean that one of the family got the gang to do their murder for them ?
8 Several others , on the other hand , were ‘ on the best of terms ’ with their children , including two in shared households and another couple who said ‘ their children are very good to them ; one daughter does their washing for them and their daughter-in-law goes up nearly every day to do their shopping for them ’ .
9 So , they 've hired you for thirty pence a mile to do their roadwork for them .
10 He had kept on and on about those keys , although she had been deaf to his insistence ; he had come several miles to catch her at home and seize a chance to rifle her bag for them ; if there had been any purpose to the meeting at the Old Mitre it might have been to get the keys .
11 Gold Blend beauty Sharon Maughan finally gets her man when co-star Tony Head declares his love for her over a coffee .
12 A friend does my hair for me , she 's a freelance hairdresser .
13 It is an unwritten agreement and if we renege on it , let us not be surprised if our dog loses his respect for us , for we are not worthy of being called Master .
14 A man keeps his money for him , giving him a dollar each day .
15 ‘ Then your uncle smashed his camera for him .
16 They were so unhappy that life lost its perspective for them . ’
17 One had the feeling that she was happy enough just to let her racket do her talking for her
18 Several others , on the other hand , were ‘ on the best of terms ’ with their children , including two in shared households and another couple who said ‘ their children are very good to them ; one daughter does their washing for them and their daughter-in-law goes up nearly every day to do their shopping for them ’ .
19 PRINCESS Diana was at the centre of a mystery last night after a US paper claimed she had been recorded chatting to a man declaring his love for her .
20 During a walkabout on Merseyside , the Princess of Wales was overcome by tears after the crowd voiced their support for her amid the current press controversy surrounding her marriage .
21 ‘ They ought to thank us for letting our Thing do their job for them , ’ said Gurder solemnly .
22 To Welford Beaton the great weakness of the movie industry was that it had been ‘ born without reasoning faculties ’ and had failed subsequently to develop any : since birth , he suggested , the industry had ‘ allowed the box-office to do its thinking for it ’ .
23 no money and she said she 'd got , she 'd got a loan from the bank to pay her mummy for her
24 If there 's no-one on hand to wash your back for you , keep a loofah or gentle scrubbing brush by the bath .
25 If you are , get another nurse to do your shift for you — you can do that , ca n't you ?
26 The weekend lost its appeal for me when it came to the fundamental rebirthing philosophy .
27 Your dad pays his share for me , comes out of his wages if I paid , it 's just extra on top of all that , if I was paying any
28 ‘ I hope Luib 's bunch bloodied their nose for them , or things are going to be rather tight around here in a few moments . ’
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