Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [pron] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If the description fits someone else in the office , take action .
2 Away he goes Lawrence again to the right-handed and that 's short on the back foot plays it down with a dead bat , ball bounces little more than a yard or two .
3 Poland , for instance , unlike Russia , was a participant in and indeed an important contributor to the great movements in early modern European history , such as the Renaissance and the scientific revolution , and the country 's legal system , literary forms and religious faith aligned it firmly with the liberal West rather than the more authoritarian East .
4 Sir , So , the swords are drawn with the Government at long last , now that you have a UK Chairman whose speech at this inauguration laid it firmly on the line , that what this country needs is a transport policy to serve commerce and social preference .
5 Their presence made it hard for the women to rescue the corpses of the drowned , and many bodies had to be abandoned to them .
6 The absence of noise placed it happily in the private sector .
7 Any excuse got me out of the office .
8 I picked up my briefcase , started out the door and asked the FBI agent on the case to see me downstairs to a cab because I did n't feel very safe in Chicago .
9 But I have n't the heart to drive him back to the warren .
10 He was busy in the bottom of the second punt , and when he climbed out of it he cut the rope securing the first punt with his sword , and then used his foot to launch it out across the water .
11 You and Mum built it up from a seedy little run-down nothing !
12 Sinn Fein failed in an attempt to co-opt him on to the council on Wednesday night .
13 3 The attacker 's body weight drives him head-on into a claw strike that covers the whole area of the face .
14 Phil , his ever-cheerful self , telling me he has stood up his girlfriend to see me through till the end .
15 Frank Howard , defending , said Millman had been drinking to celebrate his birthday and expected his girlfriend to drive him home at the end of the night .
16 The administrator 's greeting made everyone else in the room turn round to look .
17 Barely noticing the brief , sharp moment of pain as her flesh yielded to his , she was caught up in a maelstrom of whirling sensations , the hard , pulsating rhythm drawing her down into an emotional whirlpool , before her body was suddenly racked by shuddering convulsions of a pleasure so incredibly intense that it was almost too much to bear .
18 Revenue from normal trading fell , but the club made it up from the transfer market .
19 At that moment a slim figure flung itself out of the shadows to tumble Lefevre 's giant adversary from his feet .
20 Culshaw , who knew Karajan better than any of these armchair pundits , noted that since Karajan had never been interested in interpretation for interpretation 's sake — which perhaps helps explain why his readings often outlast those of more ‘ personalized ’ rivals — he naturally diverted his attention to new projects , musical , technological , scientific , logistical , until circumstances or new thinking drew him back to the central repertoire that he had recorded earlier , with other orchestras , other technology .
21 The water start uses the force of the wind to pull you out of the water and , when performed properly , is a faster and more efficient means of starting on all types of board .
22 The miniature St Christopher on it had a brief treat before Sorrel cooled him off in no uncertain terms .
23 In September Leslie 's 5th Brigade found itself part of the 4th Indian Division , and it was with this famous fighting force that he was to spend about the next nine months .
24 An incessant internal monologue occupied her most of the morning , during which , by turns , she tried to convince herself that Fen 's effect on her was all in her imagination or berated herself for being fickle .
25 It was in his adopted position of right-back that Paul gained two England Under 21 caps and he is one of only a handful of players who have appeared for the Palace in ten post-war seasons , while his 319 games for the club place him firmly in the top five all-time appearances for us .
26 The guys at New Deal filled us in with the latest on Harrow skatepark .
27 This consisted of enrolling one 's child in a private playschool , which sent a car to pick him up in the morning and deposit him back on his own doorstep in the late afternoon .
28 The present incumbent was a retired Yorkshire miner and after many thanks and good wishes for the festive season the ensemble played themselves out with a lively rendering of ‘ Ilkley Moor ’ .
29 ‘ We had breakfast and Mummy dropped me off at the playground , ’ Verena told police .
30 So in Scout 's case , her innocence leads her through her childhood and because she is too young to understand fully the barrier between the different races she lives among , she is saved from the emotional torments other people suffer , but in Perk 's case her innocence leads her straight into a very touchy emotional situation and ends up suffering death , too young to understand why .
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