Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [pron] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 All of us probably envy the ability of Imelda , Ivana , Diana and co to indulge themselves with a glorious shopping spree whenever the desire grips them .
2 It ends : ‘ Will the tight budget bring us to a grinding halt ?
3 a Services Division to support them for a transitional period
4 This decision represents something of a final throw .
5 She could lie in bed at night and in imagination move confidently around the cottage touching them in a happy exploration of shared memories and reassurance .
6 He more than filled the gap left by Alex ; his presence animated her with a mysterious excitement .
7 At noon , the exhausted Pack gathered together and Brown Owl led them to a shady area .
8 Windows opened ; grocers ran to the doors of their shops ; customers stopped discussing bacon and turned ; our teachers wobbled on their bicycles as the noise buffeted them like a violent squall ; and boys sprinted to the school gates as they came out of the building , though many others , cool boys , shrugged or turned away in disgust , gobbing , cursing and scuffling their feet .
9 Lady Constance visited some suffragettes imprisoned in Holloway gaol , and this experience transformed her into a public figure with a single-minded burning cause .
11 ‘ When a dealing is had between a seller like Mr. Lewis and a person who is actually there present before him , then the presumption in law is that there is a contract , even though there is a fraudulent impersonation by the buyer representing himself as a different man than he is .
12 The Office tells us that he arranged for his sister to meet him in a nearby wood and to bring with her two of her over-dresses , one white and one grey , and his father 's rainhood .
13 The central figure points me to a single chair , placed opposite .
14 Emotion stabbed her like a physical pain .
15 Barclays Bank is one of the cheapest widely-available sources of travellers ' cheques , charging 1 p.c. to issue them with a minimum fee of £2 .
16 His glance met hers for a brief , breathtaking moment , before he started forward , his stride slow , and rangy .
17 These might be wild animals who possessed particular strengths and had little contact with man , like a lion , jackal , hawk and crocodile , or might be animals whose usefulness placed them in a special relationship with man , like the crow , ram and cat .
18 At first the club treated it as a private matter and The Doc shook hands on a new four year contract .
19 The fashion for opera , its current potency to promote anything from a fast car to a pension scheme , does not venture beyond Puccini .
20 To flesh out the story , the DIA provided him with a German mailing address , Postfach 1151 , Geilhausen 6460 , from which all correspondence , including anything from the DIA , would be readdressed to Coleman 's maildrop in Barrington , Illinois .
21 When in the " sick Chicken " case of 1935 the Supreme Court ruled against the act , declaring Federal code-making an unconstitutional interference with the authority of the separate states , Roosevelt made no attempt to revive it in a new form .
22 It also offers the spectacle ( increasingly common this season ) of crack British acting talent hurling itself down a lucrative drain .
23 In January 1990 the Education Department provided her with a new tutor .
24 Drawing refreshed him as a long walk refreshed him , and it was part of the art of forgetting slights , frustrations , old wounds , so necessary if he was to survive and stay serene .
25 But come in out of the cold , ’ he said , seeing how the little priest hunched himself like a ruffled bird inside his gown .
26 That morning , as he galloped along the ride between the trees in the Tiergarten , his horse 's hooves kicked up the powdered snow filling him with a fierce joy .
27 The second key let them into a vaulted stone cellar , and groping torch in hand along the far wall behind the piled casks of wine , Thomas brushed the cobwebs from a low , insignificant door .
28 One critic likened it to a titanic High Mass on Mars .
29 Half the people in the study received nothing from a formal agency and the authors conclude that the Social Fund ‘ is largely irrelevant to most real-life situations within which the poorest people find themselves ’ .
30 Hearts ' defender was in Roxburgh 's original squad and it was always the intention to play him after a worthwhile display against Portugal in October .
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