Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [prep] them [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 However , the development of Australian unions has been markedly and uniquely influenced by the institutional support given to them by the federal arbitration system which has long played a fundamental role in wage-determination and the settlement of disputes ( see Chapter 5 ) .
2 In modern terms , he evaluated who was to be evangelised and was willing to take responsibility to go to them in the work of evangelism .
3 As described earlier , Brown and his colleagues ( 1986a ) have argued that they now have good evidence that the prior existence of a close supportive relationship is protective against depression if that person provides the support expected of them at the time of a crisis .
4 They 're using a bank pamphlet given to them at the time as their evidence .
5 Its appropriateness for the Foreign Office area was on grounds of association and sentiment , rather than visual harmony , as on one side there were buildings of ‘ predominating importance ’ , and no local association to conflict with them on the other side .
6 They demanded the immediate payment of the bonus promised to them by the government , but not payable until 1945 .
7 They crossed the road to face the oncoming traffic and had just passed a 40 mph speed limit sign when he looked over his shoulder and saw a car heading towards them on the wrong side of the road .
8 In each case the owner of the goods was induced by fraud to part with them to the rogue .
9 One part of the project was of course specifically concerned with creating a core of schools and the dissemination of good practice derived from them in the inservice education and training of teachers ( Objective 4 ) .
10 Those of the 26th Regiment who had fled south inflicted heavy casualties on a force hastening towards them from the direction of Telnitz .
11 We are required to inform you , under the terms of the guidance note issued by the Institutes of Chartered Accountants dealing with compliance with the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers ( the City Code ) , that , in the course of the engagement , we will comply with the provisions of the City Code , the Rules Governing Substantial Acquisitions of Shares ( the SARs ) , and with all rulings made and guidance issued under them by the Panel on Takeovers and Mergers ( the Panel ) .
12 We are required to inform you , under the terms of the guidance note issued by the Institutes of Chartered Accountants dealing with compliance with the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers ( the City Code ) , that , in the course of the engagement , we will comply with the provisions of the City Code , the Rules Governing Substantial Acquisitions of Shares ( the SARs ) , and with all rulings made and guidance issued under them by the Panel on Takeovers and Mergers ( the Panel ) .
13 We are required to inform you , under the terms of the guidance note issued by the Institutes of Chartered Accountants dealing with compliance with the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers ( the City Code ) , that , in the course of the engagement , we will comply with the provisions of the City Code , the Rules Governing Substantial Acquisitions of Shares ( the SARs ) , and with all rulings made and guidance issued under them by the Panel on Takeovers and Mergers ( the Panel ) .
14 We are required to inform you , under the terms of the guidance note issued by the Institutes of Chartered Accountants dealing with compliance with the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers ( the City Code ) , that , in the course of the engagement , we will comply with the provisions of the City Code , the Rules Governing Substantial Acquisitions of Shares ( the SARs ) , and with all rulings made and guidance issued under them by the Panel on Takeovers and Mergers ( the Panel ) .
15 We are required to inform you , under the terms of the guidance note issued by the Institutes of Chartered Accountants dealing with compliance with the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers ( the City Code ) , that , in the course of the engagement , we will comply with the provisions of the City Code , the Rules Governing Substantial Acquisitions of Shares ( the SARs ) , and with all rulings made and guidance issued under them by the Panel on Takeovers and Mergers ( the Panel ) .
16 We are required to inform you , under the terms of the guidance note issued by the Institutes of Chartered Accountants dealing with compliance with the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers ( the City Code ) , that , in the course of the engagement , we will comply with the provisions of the City Code , the Rules Governing Substantial Acquisitions of Shares ( the SARs ) , and with all rulings made and guidance issued under them by the Panel on Takeovers and Mergers ( the Panel ) .
17 Sometimes the dark arch of a crumbling doorway loomed past them in the gloom .
18 This is the means by which LCH becomes the exclusive counterparty to both seller and buyer in respect of a contract made between them on the market .
19 The key to the achievement of a consensus lay in Hawke 's agreement to increase the financial autonomy of individual states by expanding their powers to raise taxes and by loosening controls on how they spent money transferred to them by the federal government .
20 Organisations sometimes have age discrimination thrust upon them by the vicissitudes of insurance .
21 The Protestant churches are keen to take maximum advantage of the free air-time granted to them by the government television network , especially since the NCCSL and the Roman Catholic Church are the only two Christian groups in Sri Lanka which have access to national radio and TV .
22 The Statue of the Etook Ha'chllt he 'd bartered for in a little town called Slew , which was now , regrettably , a blasted spot , its citizens the victims of a purge visited upon them for the crime of a song , written in the dialect of their community , suggesting that the Autarch of Yzordderrex lacked testicles .
23 As they came up , Meredith was surprised at the amount of body-heat coming from them in the low outside temperature .
24 These have now been cleaned up , but it took us some time to cope with this disgraceful state of affairs … the condition of these children , and the behaviour of many of the mothers , has completely dissipated the goodwill and welcome accorded to them by the Welsh people , whose hospitality is proverbial .
25 In order to consider the proposal put to them by the management , the prospective providers of equity finance , and/or the providers of debt , and indeed the management in a management buy-in , will wish to see as much information as possible about the target .
26 In making the award , the adjudicating panel will take into account the age of the nominees and the work published by them during the past five years .
27 Both players responded alertly to the capricious nature of the Wilfred Josephs Sonata No3 , a work dedicated to them by the composer , displaying no lack of brilliance to meet its formidable technical demands .
28 And the destruction continues even now as Third World countries are devastated by the highly processed , chemicalized food and agriculture exported to them by the West .
29 One of the fundamental aims of the White Paper was to bring science and technology firmly into the political arena , and to affirm the importance given to them by the Government ; and indeed , science and technology have undoubtedly found a higher placing on the political agenda .
30 He saw , as though some wall painting had come to life before his eyes , the glitter of steel and the minute clusters of rainbow colours just moving over the crest of one rise , to descend into the next bowl ; and riding towards them , negligently like men out hawking , he saw a smaller group , no more than half a dozen mounted men , who had been until this moment hidden from them by the lie of the land .
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