Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [prep] a [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It would have been easy to track down , as a somewhat acidulous correspondent explained during a few remarks on the shortcomings of journalists .
2 The flow of oil was for the most part halted after a few days when US aircraft bombed the pumping manifold stations .
3 ‘ I have an important function to attend in a few days ’ time .
4 He had drunk over a bottle and a half already but showed little outward sign of over-consumption , except for his accent curdling into a thicker Scots .
5 The sky was inky with cloudless black velvet studded by a million diamonds .
6 Back at her place she offered him a large whisky and then said that she just had to slip into the bedroom to see to a few things .
7 In contrast European nations have allowed contracting companies to keep their R&D findings secret from other companies ; with this kind of practice occurring across a dozen nations , European defence R&D is often wasted as well as fragmented .
8 The tape crackled for a few seconds and then hummed as he replaced the receiver .
9 The reply came in a few minutes ago listing ten different countries with which he does business . ’
10 Rosemary Cargill ( Mrs Raza ) has since 1986 been a journalist writing for a current affairs publication .
11 For an instant its bright light glistened on a thousand shades of wet green leaves .
12 As they peeled back the debris of centuries , complete houses and workshops emerged , still containing everyday tools , utensils and clothing from a civilisation buried for a thousand years .
13 If your weight increases by a few pounds ( about 1 kg ) from one day to the next , do nothing for a day or two to try to redress the balance ; your weight could well drop back quite naturally .
14 The effect began within a few minutes but took an hour or more to reach a maximum .
15 Sir Henry Curtis perched upon a rock bleeding from a dozen wounds but fighting on with the remnant of the Greys against the hordes of Twala was too heroic .
16 I presently see a figure approaching from a hundred yards off , up the middle of the street : a tall young woman , in a close white cap , and a short frock of lilac cotton , and coarse sack-cloth apron , and strong boots .
17 Predictions from these tables will let you down once or twice a year when a session of light wind invades for a few days .
18 The fighting continued for a few seconds before they realised that it was no longer dark .
19 The light changed for a few minutes and a watery sun hit the flanks of Lovely Seat .
20 The decapitated head spun like a ball in the air , lips still moving ; his trunk stood for a few seconds in its own fountain of hot red gore before crashing on to the blood-stained ice .
21 Midnight and a silvered road of dreams , a black field shot with a million bursts of white — the name is glow-worm , the sight is magic .
22 FAMILIES in receipt of state benefit are forced to go hungry because of lack of money according to a National Children 's Home survey just published .
23 A new chairman came in a few months ago .
24 THREE men were hurt yesterday when a keg of firework powder exploded in a special effects workshop at Pinewood Film Studios , Bucks .
25 He reached into his pouch and withdrew a handful of loose change plundered from a dozen realms .
26 ‘ For the option , ’ Howard explained to Felicity , walking up and down the terrace , frowning seriously , with the setting sun flashing in a thousand windows of the city behind him , ‘ they 're paying … 30.000,00 .
27 Laboriously tilled fields of corn became within a few hours torrents of mud , houses slipped down hillsides , church-towers were struck by lightning , sheep and cattle were carried away in swirling waters and dawn revealed their bloated corpses jammed against the piers of bridges that had themselves been partially destroyed by the weight and fury of the swollen waters .
28 We are confirmed in this belief by a passage contained in a Judicial Studies Board paper issued to Circuit Judges and Recorders in June 1991 where the Honourable Mr Justice Wright stated : It is impossible to over-rate the contribution made by Kemp & Kemp : The Quantum of Damages to this branch of the law and every Judge who has to deal with personal injury litigation will undoubtedly have to have access to it .
29 The girl lingered at a secondhand clothes shop and was looking at grubby petticoats displayed on iron rods by the doorway , when a young man dressed in a shabby tail coat and check trousers came along and paused beside her .
30 Now let's use the spreadsheet to look at a real savings plan .
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