Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [prep] the long [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In its shadow , in a square of orange brickwork part hidden by the long grass , stood a circular pool .
2 Her kiss at the cottage gate left my mind occupied during the long walk back to the farm .
3 A warm wind shone through the long stubble which shimmered like silk in the heat ; the sun glared off the metal cabs of lorries and buses , the tar melted into mirages of water and cleared again .
4 The stout refusal , and then the shambling figure going up the long path beside the river , up to the house .
5 Residential institutions lost favour and became associated with , if not blamed for , the lack of professional vision and determination to plan for the long term future of children .
6 The sun shone on the long road to the south .
7 This failure to invest for the long term can be seen also in innovation , the development of new ideas and products .
8 An advantage of this slender branch byway , which runs at a higher level than the main road , is the splendid panorama it affords of the encircling hills : across the valley the distant double-topped Frostrow merges in the long whaleback skyline of Rise Hill ; at the head is Great Knoutberry Hill carrying the railway ; rising to the left are the lower slopes of Whernside , succeeded by Great Coum beyond the gap of Deepdale , and finally Middleton Fell closes the horizon .
9 A piano tinkled in the long afternoon , all afternoons being long now ; an old lady , her eyes closed , hummed a relic of a long-forgotten act , not that it would be forgotten here .
10 He motioned his family and Paul to halt and pointed silently across the river to a herd of muntjac grazing in the long grass .
11 The ground floor consisted of stables , coach-houses , tackrooms and storehouses , while above , in addition to apartments occupied by unmarried male outdoor staff , was a room known as the Long Room .
12 At seven o'clock that night , William Darling went up the long stairs of the lighthouse to light the big oil lantern .
13 However , there is no point investing for the long term at the risk of being caned in the short term .
14 This separation of the responsibilities of public office from the personal qualities of the incumbent has in the long term had a number of important consequences on decision-making in rural areas .
15 ’ Erskine May ’ states clearly that amendments may be made in Committee even if they are not within the Bill 's scope according to the long title .
16 It buys them , sells some bits quickly , but then keeps the rest to manage for the long term .
17 We spent the first day getting over the long flight ( though with only three hours time difference there was no appreciable jet-lag ) and having a look round the town .
18 The victor settled in the long grass , wings outspread to show the four pairs of conspicuous circle ‘ eyes ’ , scenting the air to attract a female , and to warn off males .
19 There is a good argument that the exclusion of a development corporation has in the long term been to Cramlington 's advantage , but the opportunity for land development profits was very important .
20 ‘ The bad effects of island driving on the long sentences were not caused by an increase in the number of false alarm seeds .
21 The main disadvantage of the method lies in the long periods of time required to reach equilibrium .
22 A historical theory must validate itself against a future whose demand , ultimately , is the redemption of the democratic claim buried within the long struggles for and by ‘ the people ’
23 The short process of giving birth to a baby seemed to her a triviality compared to the long haul of rearing it that lay ahead .
24 They warm them by pressing them against brood patches , areas of skin naked of feathers which a bird may develop specially for the breeding season or have permanently on its breast concealed by the long feathers growing around them .
25 Whereas they all currently specialise either in advanced academic credit-bearing courses of one or two years , or in short courses for groups who often have little or no contact with each other , Northern College 's founders hoped to combine long courses with ten-week courses so that students would benefit from having the continuity of learning associated with the long courses alongside the fresher experiences and perceptions of students on short courses .
26 Who can blame them when most traditional methods of weight control fail in the long term ?
27 As a cautious start , British Telecom is a good choice to buy for the long term .
28 I looked past Robin-Anne to where the moon 's path gleamed on the long waves , and then I glanced forward and saw another belt of silver , but this one diffuse and hazy , showing where the first crepuscular light seeped over the world 's grey edge .
29 These regressions indicate that mortality is related to swings in unemployment levels , over and above the improvement in mortality related to the long term trend for disposable incomes to increase .
30 She sped down the little path leading between the long vegetable beds of the kitchen-garden .
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