Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [prep] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At first sight , the picture of word-meaning given by patterns of affinity and disaffinity is , at least in some respects , different from the picture given by semantic traits .
2 But parliament is far away , and the border of Wales is very near , and is there a soul in these parts who does not know that smuggling goes on day by day , and that life here would be impossible if it did not ?
3 Consider providing the participating member with the opportunity to report on results of contact directly to the client , in order to ensure effective communication .
4 The honours year course builds on courses in physiology , pharmacology or a third-year course on brain and behaviour , but many students turn to neuroscience having done biochemistry , zoology or psychology as third-year options .
5 He puts forward an ethic consisting of habits of mind and of behaviour to which he thinks one will inevitably move to the extent that one has rational insight into the human situation and is under the control of that rational part of one 's nature which gives one unity as a personality .
6 It recently announced contract wins worth £6.3m for hospital developments at Haywards Heath and Bradford .
7 Leo Abse commented on the effects this legislation had on kinship ties when he recorded the support given by people in South Wales to his efforts to reform the divorce law during the 1960s : ‘ Welshmen who had endured the depression had no time for the unctuous pleas for the need at all costs to maintain the unity of family life ’ .
8 The election of Sir Michael followed Namaliu 's decision to retire from politics in order to spend more time with his wife who was seriously ill .
9 13.5.6 Expert 's decision binding on matters of opinion
10 defendant in belief that it was necessary to enter an appearance before a payment into court could be made was not estopped when he sought to have the case dismissed for want of prosecution on discovering that the writ had not9 been served .
11 In 1655 an expedition was sent out to attack Hispaniola ( San Domingo ) ; this was the first time the English government had sent a naval expedition to seize the colonies of another European nation , and lack of experience led to lack of success .
12 Representing the operation of Laplace transformation by , it immediately follows that 11.5 ( a ) Unit step function delayed by time with respect to the origin of time , ( b ) unit pulse thought of as the difference between two unit step functions with differing delays and , ( c ) unit square wave thought of as a combination of unit step functions with delays that are multiples of half the period and ( d ) unit impulse function ( see text ) .
13 General Accident is supporting this request and have taken the decision to continue with payment of benefit when a claimant attends such a course .
14 However , total enrolment fell between 1980 and 1986 , suggesting that girls have had more opportunity to go to school under war conditions than boys .
15 In recent months I have had the opportunity to go to Kashmir by arrangement with both the Pakistani Government and the Indian Government , and I have seen the profound suffering among Kashmiris of both religions — Hindu and Muslim .
16 fellow peasants carry Colas into Mother Simone 's kitchen hidden in sheaves of corn so that he can meet Lise .
17 By running a £5 million overdraft , the court could in a way be construed as borrowing money to invest in works of art .
18 To illustrate the paradigm , reference is made to an alcohol education course developed for offenders in trouble through drink .
19 I have n't a thing in till her money goes in end of month she only gets paid end of month
20 So , when Naive Prober plays against Tit for Tat , both do worse than when Tit for Tat plays against another Tit for Tat .
21 The RSPB , as part of its ‘ Campaign for the Countryside ’ , has recently called for two and a half million acres of farmland to be taken out of production and converted to wildlife habitats , a process to be paid for by money diverted from CAP into conservation .
22 A House of Lords decision relied on lack of privity to protect a pledgee-endorsee of a bill of lading , such as a bank , with respect to a claim for the payment of freight unpaid by the endorser-shipper .
23 Asbestos led to death of worker
24 F , options for benefits in payment to increase in line with inflation , do we have that ?
25 He described an adequate marriage as having periods of intimacy interspersed with periods of autonomy for both partners , who , at the same time , do not allow the relationship to become too tenuous and know that the other will be there when needed .
26 Here , Joanna , her mother and father John tell Penny Wark of their struggle to come to terms with tragedy .
27 Drawing of same man ( NI reader ) as a contraceptive salesman knocking on door of household full of people — looking out of windows , pressing past the women who opens the door , etc .
28 Another source of ambiguity is that task analysis is often used as a generic term covering any study and description relating to people at work .
29 Frequently generals thought it best if they were outmanoeuvred to in effect accept an honourable surrender er and er bargains of this kind occurred from time to time between largely mercenary armies .
30 There is also a beautiful altar rail decorated with ears of corn , grapes , etc. — all references to the Sacrament .
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