Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [verb] [pron] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 The alternative regime in ss219 to 229 applies if : ( a ) Target is an unquoted trading company or the holding company of a trading group ( an unquoted company will include one whose shares are traded on the Unlisted Securities Market ) ; ( b ) the purchase of own shares is wholly or mainly for the benefit of Target 's trade or any of its 75% subsidiaries ; ( c ) the purchase does not form part of a scheme or arrangement the main purpose of which is to avoid tax or enable shareholders to participate in the company 's profits without being taxed on dividends ( there is a clearance procedure under s225 ) ; ( d ) the vendor shareholders are resident and ordinarily resident in the UK in the tax year in which the buy-in occurs ; any nominee shareholder must also be so resident , so if the distribution treatment is desirable it can be achieved by interposing non-UK-resident nominees ; ( e ) the shareholder has held his shares for at least five years ; ( f ) the shareholder 's shareholding immediately after the buy-in has been substantially reduced ( ie , by 25% or more , and his entitlement to profits must be similarly reduced ) ; for these purposes the shareholder must include the shareholdings of his " associates " as determined in accordance with s227 ; ( g ) the shareholder must not be connected with the company following the buy-in , and for these purposes he will be connected if he is entitled to acquire more than 30% of the share capital or voting rights in the company or assets on a winding up .
2 Both the Winchester Housing Trust and the St. Mary Church Association had had their plans for low cost housing in the village refused .
3 WEDGWOOD Cricket Club have hit their rivals for six by getting their season off to a blistering start .
4 The respondents were also asked a supplementary question designed to elicit their rationalisations for their decisions .
5 Two men kissing to music under the stars … or Little David , the barman , would bring out his famous white gauze and feather fans and send them gliding across his sweating chest and face ( you do n't see this any more these days ) — as if the secret thoughts that were normally hidden behind that odd smile in his eyes had escaped and taken flight ; as if , I used to think , it was magic , as if some oddly attractive boy had unbuttoned his flies for you and brought out not a fat red cock but a blinking , blinded , delicate , fluttering magician 's dove , releasing it into the roof of the dark theatre to fly crazily over your astonished head … and above all this was that ceiling of shining stars .
6 Now the junior minister says she is pleased ‘ that the West Midlands County Council have accepted my proposals for a sensible and reasonable division of responsibilities . ’
7 The majority of the indigenous cattle of Scandinavia are naturally polled : it seems that the northern stockmen , who because of the demands of climate needed to house their animals for long periods , appreciated long ago that horns could be awkward at close quarters and it is clear that polled stock were deliberately bred in Scandinavia from early times .
8 The author wishes to express his thanks for the cooperation of all those who have provided the information and views on which this current publication is based .
9 As for himself , he was sorry she was upset — and also , if he was honest , a little irritated too , because the crisis had wrecked his plans for the morning .
10 Do n't choose aggressive , adrenaline-inducing activities but use exercise to activate the body fully as our nervous system and chemistry have primed our bodies for this purpose .
11 A new club which aims to give homeless and unemployed people what could be their only good meal of the day has opened its doors for the first time .
12 If a husband and wife continue to maintain their investments for further 10 year periods , their £18 per month could be worth :
13 That does not mean the south London crew have sold their souls for mainstream acceptance .
14 I climbed hesitantly , feeling clumsy as the tame macaw which that morning had taken my fingernails for a bunch of nuts .
15 For its part , the government has shelved its demands for entrenched veto rights for minorities and for indefinite power-sharing with whites .
16 In a letter to Greenpeace acid rain campaigner Andy Tickle , D. Aspinwall of the Air Quality Division in the Department of the Environment wrote on 20 March 1990 : ‘ You suggest that the Government has changed its plans for implementing the large combustion plants Directive .
17 The Government has changed its plans for education including the abandonment of league tables of test results for seven and fourteen-year-olds .
18 And , while Folly tried to gather her wits for a retort , he turned to the maid .
19 The Government wish to present our proposals for legislation that will enable the electricity industry in Northern Ireland to be privatised .
20 It called for financial support and the transfer of environmentally-appropriate technology from richer nations , in return for agreement from rainforest states to safeguard their forests for global benefit .
21 Goose had haunted his dreams for ten days .
22 Though one would think not a morsel had passed her lips for months .
23 A convenient time , with the light fading , for all the brothers who were engaged in copying or reading had abandoned their books for the evening , leaving the prior to ensure that everything was decently replaced exactly where it should be .
24 Innocent certainly knew the position of Monaco and it was through him probably that the pope made known his conditions for the acceptance of Otto .
25 Moreover , there was the sheer pain of the future operations , to permanently deepen my voice and to have my pelvic basin altered to narrow my hips for that distinctively masculine appearance .
26 The Green Party has issued its proposals for an " alternative budget " .
27 In the absence of a Ministry of Justice the Home Office has acquired its responsibilities for criminal justice piecemeal over many years .
28 10.4 Each Non-academic Party undertakes to monitor its results for material which may be the subject of applications for IPR protection .
29 The Strathclyde Firemaster , John Jameson , said at the scene of the tragedy that the family had lost their lives for the price of a £5 smoke alarm .
30 Detectives hunting the killer who dumped a woman 's body in the loft of a guest house have renewed their calls for help in tracing the victim 's last movements .
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