Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] when i [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 I went in there and bought some chewing gum when I went down to see it
2 I would I 'd like to be a dance teacher when I grow up and in my spare time I would do I would like to do dancing and swimming .
3 Well , summer is well and truly with us — though as I write I ca n't decide whether to pack my industrial strength waterproofs or my total block sun cream when I go off to the Peak District this weekend .
4 With the playback that in fact erm as has said it showed me what in fact I was doing right and wrong , erm I 've been on television before once when I was running the London marathon but this time it was actually me and me alone in a work element and I could in fact see what I was doing and why I was doing it and understand in fact the corrections from the morning to in fact the afternoon presentation when I came back for the second one .
5 I 'll have to make some phone calls when I get back to your house .
6 I was interviewed by the Sudan Agent in London who gave me lunch at his club , and told me I would be called before a selection board when I came down from Oxford .
7 They did n't even notice the smashed front lights and the vicious new welt on the Boomerang doorframe when I slinked back to Hire-A-Heap the following day .
8 ‘ You 're never too old to rock'n'roll , as the myth has it , but I 've thought I should try something a little more serious than a commercial music station when I move on again .
9 ‘ I knew very little about Irish League football when I came back from Nottingham Forest , except that Linfield and Glentoran were the top two clubs .
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