Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] from time [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A company with a listing on the market ( either the main or USM market ) may return for more equity capital from time to time .
2 We will thus discuss features above the hardware architecture level from time to time , to complete the picture of a facility implemented only partly in hardware .
3 He also experienced panic attacks from time to time .
4 ‘ In the world in which we live there are bound to be periods of turbulence on the foreign exchange markets from time to time .
5 Even Hugh , although able to look like a jeune premier from time to time , had filled out as a result of an under-demanding marriage and a sedentary occupation , and would have been a round peg for such a small square hole .
6 They also run evening classes from time to time , specialising in a particular aspect of Machine Knitting .
7 They would be quite happy to forget all those things so long as Fedorov obliged them by carrying out certain routine tasks from time to time .
8 There has been the occasional quickening of the establishment pulse from time to time when one in line to succeed to the Crown has seemed to develop too intense an interest in a Roman Catholic but despite that , the anticipated line of succession has been perfectly followed subject to only one scandalous disruption when Edward VIII preferred to marry a divorcee to retaining the monarchy .
9 May I say , right at the start of the planning processes , and we 'll we 'll start with N C V O's immediate needs , but we 're very aware of services that other organisation need from time to time , and it 's very interesting to hear that as a , as a new example .
10 It must be said , however , that other industries encountered similar trading problems from time to time " .
11 I know you appear in programmes about race relations from time to time , but you 're not one of the usual old gang of faces that everyone 's sick of .
12 I meet representatives of the civil service unions from time to time to discuss a range of issues .
13 You and your fellow physicists should look out from your ivory towers from time to time .
14 While making these decisions she/he may also need to consult the library catalogue from time to time — although a main purpose of stock revision is to improve the range of stock available on the shelves , as well as titles simply listed in the catalogue .
15 A cess pool has to be airtight , and installed where it can be readily emptied by pumps and motor tankers from time to time .
16 Many other English families remained localized in this way , but even they usually moved short distances beyond their parish boundaries from time to time and younger branches of the family ramified the surname far and wide .
17 They will expect to be dealt a perfect bridge hand from time to time , and will scarcely trouble to write home about it when it happens .
18 Cook the din-dins , put the cat out , clear up the junk on the great man 's desk , and hope my lord throws me a kind word from time to time .
19 Saga too does excellent investment , income tax and insurance articles from time to time .
20 It is enough to say here that slag should be used sparingly as a soil conditioner from time to time , and not as a routine crop food .
21 So we find that he conducted the Reformation Symphony from time to time in last years , but the superior Scottish on only one occasion .
22 It is essential to have good professional advice , and to review the adequacy of your insurance cover from time to time .
23 Everyone experiences disturbing life events from time to time , and although they may cause a good deal of psychological distress , they can not on the whole be considered to have a deleterious effect on health .
24 All we have is the government time from time to time tweaking up the regulations as its er as its er it it it its doing here .
25 If a customer was unaware of the need to provide variation margin from time to time and had insufficient available funds to meet margin calls , then he may be forced to liquidate his position at a loss even though , had the contract been allowed to run to maturity , it may have closed at a profit .
26 It is obviously essential that the premises and the building or complex ( if applicable ) are insured to their full reinstatement value from time to time during the lease .
27 I meet civil service trade union representatives from time to time to discuss a variety of issues .
28 But you must get borderline cases from time to time .
29 No formal procedure is used for monitoring the project , but the chief executive follows it with interest and talks informally with the project engineer from time to time .
30 INSET courses are normally conceived for practising teachers who require refresher courses from time to time : when unqualified teachers take part in them , they remain classed as untrained teachers by the end of their course .
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