Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [Wh det] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The canton of Glarus lies between this mountain barrier in the south and , in the north , the Walensee ( lake ) and the Linth Canal which in the short northern plain links Walensee with the eastern extension of Lake Zurich which is known as the Obersee , ( ie , Upper Lake ) The canal also drains former marshland between these two lakes Glarus , though one of the smallest cantons , is often described as an epitomy of Switzerland as a whole in that it has three geographical sectors : a vast area of mountain country , a moderate stretch of rolling upland plateau capable of settlement what the Swiss call Mittel-land ( literally , middle-land ) and a small area of real lowland .
2 They may also deliberately maintain extra production capacity so that potential entrants can see that any attempt at entry will be matched by a sharp increase in production by existing firms , forcing price reductions which in the short run will be unprofitable for all but which may bankrupt the entrant first .
3 On Feb. 20 , 1990 , Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc. , a brokerage firm which in the 1980s had successfully dealt in junk bonds until its collapse following insider dealing and fraud cases [ see pp. 36582-83 ] , officially filed for bankruptcy .
4 In 1985 he had set up a consultancy firm which in the past year had advised the government on privatization .
5 Like most western European nations the UK divides between ‘ left ’ and ‘ right ’ : between the Labour party 's view of the world , in which an emphasis on public spending on welfare and infrastructure was closely associated with post-war urban and regional planning , and a Conservative party view which in the 1980s emphasized that free-market economic growth must come before state spending .
6 Moreover , since there is no irreducible kernel of class interest which in the last analysis guides all else , the ideas , the culture , the religion of a given society may well play a critical role in explaining social and political development .
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