Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [Wh det] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The canton of Glarus lies between this mountain barrier in the south and , in the north , the Walensee ( lake ) and the Linth Canal which in the short northern plain links Walensee with the eastern extension of Lake Zurich which is known as the Obersee , ( ie , Upper Lake ) The canal also drains former marshland between these two lakes Glarus , though one of the smallest cantons , is often described as an epitomy of Switzerland as a whole in that it has three geographical sectors : a vast area of mountain country , a moderate stretch of rolling upland plateau capable of settlement what the Swiss call Mittel-land ( literally , middle-land ) and a small area of real lowland .
2 For each of the 164 active audit firms , we established from the audit register which of the recognised supervisory bodies ( the ICAEW , ICAS , ICAI and the ACCA ) these firms had chosen as their regulator .
3 Sport & Recreation is a very small part of a huge leisure industry which over the last 20 years has seen a massive increase in both the provision of Local Authority facilities and in participation levels .
4 To every method must be added preliminary and post cleaning actions which at the very least are the assembly of cleaning materials and their cleaning and return afterwards .
5 They may also deliberately maintain extra production capacity so that potential entrants can see that any attempt at entry will be matched by a sharp increase in production by existing firms , forcing price reductions which in the short run will be unprofitable for all but which may bankrupt the entrant first .
6 Her heart sank as she remembered the phone call which for the first time began to make sense .
7 The Haleiwa Theatre was a pink , art deco pleasure dome built by the sugar barons which by the sixties had become the hub of social activity , screening nightly surf movies .
8 Graffiti around his house sneer ‘ Ustasha ’ , the name of the puppet government which during the last war collaborated with the Nazis .
9 On Feb. 20 , 1990 , Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc. , a brokerage firm which in the 1980s had successfully dealt in junk bonds until its collapse following insider dealing and fraud cases [ see pp. 36582-83 ] , officially filed for bankruptcy .
10 In 1985 he had set up a consultancy firm which in the past year had advised the government on privatization .
11 Those wanting to spot the more unusual wild flower would appreciate the Autumn Gentian which like the Chiltern Gentian has been successsfully cultivated here .
12 She really made Seles fight , in a hard-hitting baseline battle which at the same time surely set a new decibel record !
13 The North York Moors National Park committee has agreed to expand its Moorsbus service which for the last ten years has enabled visitors to get to the heart of the moors without congesting roads and villages with private cars .
14 This research project examines Southampton , one of the most dynamic of these ‘ sunbelt ’ city regions which throughout the 1970's generated more jobs than any other urban area in England and which has seemingly incurred only a relatively small loss of jobs since the onset of recession .
15 The emphasis is on a purposeful and communicative approach to language learning which at the same time will provide students with a sound command of language structure and vocabulary .
16 Like most western European nations the UK divides between ‘ left ’ and ‘ right ’ : between the Labour party 's view of the world , in which an emphasis on public spending on welfare and infrastructure was closely associated with post-war urban and regional planning , and a Conservative party view which in the 1980s emphasized that free-market economic growth must come before state spending .
17 Moreover , since there is no irreducible kernel of class interest which in the last analysis guides all else , the ideas , the culture , the religion of a given society may well play a critical role in explaining social and political development .
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