Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [is] [vb pp] to the " in BNC.

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1 Once everything is up and running drop into the BIOS set-up program and ensure that the Coprocessor field is set to the appropriate value to indicate the presence of a 387DX .
2 Economic fluorite mineralisation is restricted to the Dinantian and early Namurian limestone areas of Britain where it is associated with Pb-Ba-Zn mineralisation .
3 In Chicago , an annual chipping ceremony is held to the strains of ‘ O Christmas Tree , O Christmas Tree . ’
4 A non-stipendiary professorial fellowship at University College is attached to the professorship .
5 A small amount of mixed low-viscosity resin/ hardener is applied to the first face , which is mounted on the lapped surface of the slide .
6 When entry text is returned to the Main and Copy Databases a single copy is made to tape of the changed text table , the entry table and the version table .
7 If the assisted party is unsuccessful , his or her liability to the Legal Aid Board is limited to the amount of his or her contribution and , in that respect , the Board bears the financial risk of litigation .
8 If the oscilloscope timebase is synchronised to the frequency-sweep control waveform the display shows successive harmonics as blips .
9 ( 3 ) The general practitioner review prompt is sent to the patient only when the results of the blood and urine tests have been received by the database .
10 The need to feed over and above the maintenance requirement is linked to the fish 's need to grow and reproduce .
11 Erm I think if I could start by explaining the Borough Council 's position on this matter and that 's that the Borough Council is committed to the concept of an orbital road system around Harrogate and Knaresborough and that should be as part of a balanced transportation package for the area .
12 For example in the case of deep bed undergravel filters that have been running for years , a gravel cleaner is attached to the intake of the power filter and as the gravel is hoovered the mulm is trapped in the filter and clean water returned to the tank .
13 After transfer of entries from the Working-Set , the space used for that dictionary range is returned to the system and will be re-used for other tables .
14 The effectiveness of a GIS in assisting policy and investment decision-making is related to the accuracy of the accident data it is analysing and this is especially true for particular initiatives including Safe Travel to School and AIP work .
15 In so far as insolvency law is committed to the principle that property within the apparent ownership of the company should be treated as the company 's in the event of its insolvent liquidation , permitting party autonomy to effect automatic crystallisation undermines this policy .
16 For the sit-ups either a dumb-bell or a weight disc is held to the chest , and the back is kept slightly rounded with the chin on the chest .
17 The newly created Department of Cell Biology is committed to the discovery of novel anti-tumour chemotherapeutic agents targeted against proteins encoded by oncogenes .
18 ‘ The research bursary is awarded to the person who , in the opinion of the judging panel , has made an outstanding contribution to health care in Gwynedd by applying research to work . ’
19 Pond water is supplied to the filter by a pump .
20 It also means ensuring that any risk inherent in investment advice is explained to the client and clearly understood by him .
21 The interest payable on a Car Loan is added to the capital amount you have borrowed .
22 However , the normal-state conductivity n may be determined indirectly through the measured normalized conductivity ( '/ n ) , because the excess conductivity prefactor exc is related to the independently determined coherence length ( 0 ) by Using equation ( 2 ) together with the experimentally determined values ( ( ref. 11 ) and ( ref. 12 ) , we obtain the zero-temperature residual normal-state resistivities and , where the subscripts K and Rb represent K 3 C 60 and Rb 3 C 60 , respectively .
23 The Script Fund is committed to the notion that without encouraging indigenous European stories of interest for its own audiences , our screens will continue to be overwhelmed by imported products and our national audio-visual industries will suffer .
24 Another easy one — the minority interest charge in the consolidated profit and loss account is credited to the minority interests in the consolidated balance sheet .
25 This may sound difficult to achieve , but if surplus soil is used to lift the area behind the pool , or a rock garden is constructed to the rear , then the illusion is remarkably simple to contrive .
26 Carbon dioxide is added to the water by the respiration of fish , plants , and other living organisms .
27 A bewildering number of configurations are now available ( Sigma Instruments , 1972 ; Cassat , 1977 ) , but in this Chapter discussion is confined to the basic drive circuits and the potential benefits of more sophisticated drives are examined at a later stage ( Chapter 5 ) .
28 System operators and database producers provide various training courses for new and advanced users , where , in many cases , ‘ free ’ search time is given to the participants .
29 It is essential that patients ensure there are no leaks of insulin where the infusion set is connected to the syringe .
30 The Porta Argentea on the seaward , south side is connected to the interior of the palace by an underground passage way .
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