Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [to-vb] [adv] at the " in BNC.

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1 Although the skirt panels look perfectly flat when seen on air , in reality they follow varying angles to the original base vertical planes , bending ever so slightly as they rise up from the fender section to join up at the midriff .
2 if the war was going badly for NATO , and the USSR was already using nuclear weapons , the West would turn to the cruise missiles to strike back at the Warsaw Pact .
3 It was , however , by now well south of the airport and , after acknowledging an air traffic control instruction to report back at the BN beacon ready for another approach , the Vanguard tracked toward the BS , another beacon which was immediately to the south of the landing runway , 16 .
4 But she usually heard him creep in , however late it was , and came scratching on the door just as he had got his trousers off , or just as he was scraping her uneaten steak-and-kidney pie into a polythene bag to throw away at the office next day .
5 You asked if it would be possible for certain material witnesses to stay on at the Lodge for an extra night while you continue your investigations on the spot .
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