Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [v-ing] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There would be nothing , in principle , to prevent an ex-employee computer programmer writing a similar program by the exercise of his own mental effort provided he did not simply plagiarize his previous employer 's program .
2 A month or so ago I sat in an excessively warm room listening to a gentleman from Intel 's processor division telling the invited audience of dealers and journalists that 1992 would see a boom in 486 sales similar to the boom in 386 bought about by Windows .
3 The awards will be presented at the House of Sport on October with each category winner receiving an engraved Wassail goblet donated by sponsors Tyrone Crystal .
4 The cold weather payment scheme is still wholly inadequate , with thousands of pensioners whose incomes are just above the income support level receiving no extra help with their fuel charges .
5 A. undigested incisor from barn owl assemblage ( ×10 ) ; B. incisor from short-eared owl assemblage with superficial digestion along its entire length ( ×11 ) ; C. detail of superficial digestion caused by short-eared owl ( ×75 ) ; D. detail of same with the prism structure of the enamel apparent ( ×375 ) ; E. incisor in premaxilla from long-eared owl assemblage with tip digestion of the enamel ( ×30 ) ; F. detail of same ( ×85 ) ; G. isolated incisor from long-eared owl assemblage with tip digestion of the enamel ( ×15 ) ; H. digestion and splitting of incisor from European eagle owl assemblage ( ×56 ) ; I. digestion of enamel and dentine from tawny owl assemblage producing an uneven surface on both ( ×11 ) ; J. enamel removal from middle of incisor from kestrel assemblage ( ×13 ) ; K. detail of digested enamel edge ( ×375 ) ; L. heavy digestion of enamel and dentine from hen harrier assemblage ( ×18 ) .
6 " That would be the seneschal paused , watching one of the apprentice chefs dipping a long ladle into the cauldron the unfortunate attendant had just vacated .
7 Our 68 staff work 12 hour shifts giving a 24 hour service .
8 Cut into heart shapes using a sharp knife and place onto a non stick baking sheet and prick well .
9 Stocks of petrol were low , and late one afternoon cars passing the orderly room were stopped by an irate major-general , who berated us for using valuable petrol at such a time of crisis .
10 On Sept. 2 the Constitutional Council ( i.e. court ) ruled that the law promulgated on June 24 to allow ratification [ see p. 38942 ] was constitutional despite a case brought in mid-August by Pasqua and 69 other senators alleging unconstitutionality on various counts including that of the Danish referendum result rendering the whole process invalid .
11 The call came as Israel arrested a freelance Palestinian journalist covering the latest upsurge in violence .
12 This does not mean that the timetable disappears , although in the smaller primary schools operating the integrated day it does so to a very great extent , leaving only such activities as physical education and music needing some organized attention .
13 Pictured here is Bess Cavendish with her sister Georgina wearing a tartan dress priced at around £170 .
14 This was determined by automated analysis in the Department of Chemical Pathology using a SMAC machine .
15 The patients with adenomatous polyps were assigned to one of four study groups using the random sampling quota technique allowing for 10 subjects in each study group .
16 One way to think of the development of the worm is to draw an analogy with a digital computer and think of the cells at every cell division making a discrete choice as to what to do next .
17 Here , the relationship between curriculum reform and enhanced library provision is two-way : topic methodology in IS both requires , and results from , an enhanced provision of source materials , with study skills providing an essential link between the two .
18 Then the payments made in the new year in respect of these accrued amounts would be debited against the individual expense accounts making the net effect zero in the new year .
19 Although I left the car park wearing a long-sleeved T-shirt with my warmer clothes packed away in the rucksack , the walk was now a serious business and I was wearing everything I had with me .
20 On Nov. 3 Michael Heseltine , who had resigned as Secretary of State for Defence in January 1986 over the Westland affair and in particular the anticipated consequences for intra-European co-operation [ see pp. 34192-96 ] , sent an open letter to his Conservative Association chairman containing a severe attack on Thatcher 's policies and style .
21 DNase I digestion patterns showing the rapid dissociation of 10µM distamycin from tyr T DNA , performed at 4°C .
22 The leading positions in the four divisions of the Bootle Snooker League after six weeks of the new season see Liverpool Billiards and Snooker Club leading the first division with 24 points from Corals ( 22 ) and Corals B team ( Bootle ) on 18 from four completed matches .
23 In the following days there were clashes in Douala , the business capital , between security forces and opposition supporters demanding a national conference .
24 If Midland Life is required to make any payment under the Policyholders ' Protection Act 1975 ( or any enactment amending or replacing the same or of a similar nature ) or if there is any change in the law or Inland Revenue practice affecting a Guaranteed Capital Bond the benefits provided by such a Bond may be varied by Midland Life in such manner as the Midland Life Actuary considers appropriate .
25 a facility for lexicographers to produce new versions of dictionary entries using a purpose-built editing sub-system
26 Bussey et al examined the effect of vitamin C supplementation on cell proliferation using the tritiated thymidine technique .
27 The Hotel Pinar is just back a bit from the beach , with its own pool and an à la carte restaurant set on a roof terrace overlooking the wooded landscape towards the sea .
28 It was common ground that the United Kingdom amended the previous legislation in order to put a stop to the practice known as ‘ quota hopping ’ whereby ( according to that state ) its fishing quotas were ‘ plundered ’ by fishing vessels flying the British flag but lacking any genuine link with the United Kingdom .
29 Henry Brem has halted the growth of blood vessels using a chemically-modified tetracycline that Dr Golub supplied .
30 What are the prospects of the embryonic Korean Car Industry undermining the small car market we currently enjoy ?
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