Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [adv] [adj] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 However , by August , when it was obvious that there was no family accommodation to be found in town , I was forced to take on a croft cottage about seven miles to the north of Stornoway on the Eye Peninsula , known locally as the Point district .
2 Happy birthday dear Dot Dot tomorrow happy birthday to you .
3 The protest campaign was sparked by a council decision earlier this year to fell the trees — 10 beech , one scots pine and one yew — to make way for a road improvement scheme said to be needed for a new supermarket .
4 If you are feeling particularly energetic , there are tennis courts right next door to the apartments which you can hire for a small charge .
5 The chief aim was to avoid a needless economic burden on the parish through bastardy ( and laws of settlement and the Poor Law provisions only guaranteed relief to those born within the parish ) ; and to achieve a population equilibrium which would not outrun local resources .
6 There had been some very successful case-managed projects- the first of which was the Kent community care projects The evaluative work of David Challis and Bledyyn Davies shows that case management with devolved budgets , giving field workers much more responsibility to over resources can be very , very successful on almost every criterion .
7 Net realisable value is based on estimated selling prices less further costs to completion and disposal .
8 Net realisable value is based on estimated selling prices less further costs to completion and disposal .
9 Net realisable value is based on estimated selling prices less further costs to completion and disposal .
10 Instead of village communality channelling loyalty to leaders of provincial clans , each local group whether it be based on a factory , an army unit , a common landlord , a school , or a community organization now channelled loyalty to the central state .
11 To fill fuel tanks of the F4U-7 costs on average £1,000 , which probably explains , along with other overheads like , insurance , hangarage , maintenance , why it costs airshow organiser so much money to ‘ book ’ warbird type aircraft for display appearances .
12 I cull , in the only possible order : the 10 subscribers to London 's first telephone exchange , why golf courses have 18 holes , the 36 metre tower which rounds up Germany 's highest mountain to a neat 3000 metres , the 47 teeth of the mosquito , the 79 men kissed non-platonically by an ‘ average ’ woman in the US prior to marriage , the 159 hack SF books written by Britain 's R. L. Fanthorpe in 13 years , the 163 villages erased by Krakatoa , the 380 kg of Moon rock still unexamined thanks to Senator Proxmire 's money-saving efforts …
13 Counsel for the unions told the judge that miners were ‘ desperately worried ’ collieries would become unworkable by the end of the 90-day consultation period before they could launch their High Court challenge later this month to the legality of the Goverment 's pit closure programme .
14 The amateur porn video marks just another testament to the tenacity of the country 's exhibitionist spirit .
15 No flagrant passions , life and death struggles , tug of war babies or front page revelations Just one marriage to the man she loved from the age of nineteen until their Golden Wedding . ’
16 The look.up table values are chosen to ramp up the motor velocity over six steps to a maximum stepping rate which is of the clock frequency .
17 But then I found in the same week in the relatively liberal UK magazine Time Out several references to women as ‘ chicks ’ and ‘ broads ’ .
18 Do the opportunities provided by computer graphics also present problems to the young viewer unfamiliar , perhaps , with an unusual viewpoint or rapid change of viewpoint ?
19 Widely available since the 1930s , instant coffee is produced commercially by brewing ground freshly roasted coffee to a strong concentrate .
20 I sometimes think the access road bears as much relation to as Paul Gascoigne does to the Queen , Queen Mother .
21 Rather , they prefer to bring coal to Scunthorpe by rail from the new deep coal mines about 25 km to the west .
22 As the decade concluded the Mark 4 coach arrived ( at first on the East Coast newly electrified service to Leeds ) .
23 The course will nestle among hills and will boast some of the finest scenery in the country coupled with some ideal golf terrain long flat stretches to hilly parts and natural lakes which could come into play on some holes .
24 In addition the loud cries of harem males probably alert others to the presence of non-reproductive males and this may result in collaborative defence in driving them away .
25 Within one minute of being triggered , the alarm summons about 50 staff to the problem spot .
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